Urban Villages Initiative Tooklit
Using the Logos
The logo set must always appear together and in the order shown below on any materials produced for the project or programme. The logo set must be used on projects that have been funded or part funded by the Urban Villages Initiative. If there are any other partners involved their logo should be added after the Urban Villages logo set at the same size and scale.
See example leaflet.
The logo set:
+ All marketing collateral featuring the Urban Villages logo set must be approved by the Urban Villages communications team before proceeding with printing or publishing
High quality versions of the logos are here for use on leaflets, posters, programmes or other print materials, social media, film and on any other communications to promote the project. Use of the logo set is fully explained in the brand guidelines , which outline the
rules of how best to use our visual and verbal identity. These guidelines ensure that there is a consistent approach to using the logo set and messages. These resources can also be requested at info@urbanvillagesni.org
| Urban Villages Media Toolkit 10
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