The Craigavad 2022 Review

| Golf Ireland Inter-Club Competitions |

| Golf Ireland Inter-Club Competitions |

Junior Cup

Minor Cup

by Liz Andress

by Rosemary Creed

win and gave us great confidence for the next round against Shandon. The team played the 2nd round against Shandon Park on 26th May. The home team Ashley Brand, Alice Granleese and Heather Graham narrowly lost by two matches to one and the away team, Louise Malseed and Hilary Warnock, were very unlucky with Louise losing her match on the 19th hole! My thanks to the whole team squad,

including Cathy McKay, who could not have been more enthusiastic and helpful. Better luck next year!

The Minor Cup team played their 1st round against Warrenpoint on Thursday 5th May. Three team members, Ashley Brand, Alice Granleese and Judith Caruth played at home where Ashley and Alice had resounding wins, with Judith being called in early. Two team members, Rosemary Creed and Heather Graham played in Warrenpoint and also won their matches which made it a very decisive

THE 2022 MINOR CUP TEAM Ashley Brand, Alice Granleese, Judith Caruth, Heather Graham, Hilary Warnock, Louise Malseed, Cathy McKay Team Manager: Rosemary Creed

The Junior Cup team had a very successful season, which took them all the way to the Ulster Finals at Warrenpoint. Our first match was played against Belvoir Park GC on 8th May. Our team members were Abby Beckett, Julie Carr, Patricia Boyd, Gillian Haldane and Corin McCrea. The matches were level at 2 all, when Julie managed a 1 up win, to secure our place in the next round. Thanks to Barbara McMinnis for standing in as team captain. On 26th June we met Clones in the quarter-finals. Jane and Patricia played at home, whilst Abby, Marilyn Henderson and Julie played away. Despite blustery conditions, we were very pleased to hear that the girls at home had won their matches and, when Julie won her match away, the other matches were called in. The team was drawn against Spa GC in the semi-finals on 3rd July. Due to conflicting holiday arrangements, a decision was made for the girls at home to play in the morning and the girls away to play in the afternoon. However, Jane won on the 17th, Abby on the 18th and Julie secured our place in the final by winning on the 19th. There was therefore no need for Marilyn and Patricia to play at Spa in the afternoon. The Junior Cup final between Clandeboye and Royal Belfast was

held at Warrenpoint on Sunday 21st August. The team comprising Abby, Julie, Marilyn, Gillian and Jane enjoyed a wonderful summer's day and great golf. Unfortunately, they were narrowly beaten but had put up a tremendous fight – an appearance in the Irish Final was not to be! The girls were understandably disappointed but realised how well they had done to come this far. I congratulate the team on a terrific

season. Their talent, dedication and determination were inspiring. It was a pleasure to have been their team captain.

THE 2022 JUNIOR CUP TEAM Abby Beckett, Julie Carr, Gillian Haldane, Corin McCrea, Jane Thompson, Marilyn Henderson Team Manager: Liz Andress

Junior Foursomes

by Rhona Smyth

The Junior Foursomes team met Helen’s Bay in the 1st round of the Inter-Club matches on 5th May. As Helen’s Bay had home advantage, two of the matches were played there, and one match was played at Royal Belfast. Both matches at Helen’s Bay were convincingly won by Royal Belfast, which meant the third match could be called in. The team played Armagh in the second round on 14th June. Our opponents again had home advantage and in spite of winning the home match the team was narrowly defeated in the away matches by a strong Armagh team. My thanks to Rosemary Todd who looked after the team at home and to Caroline Twemlow who kindly agreed to stand in if required. Thanks also to the Lady Captain for her support.

THE 2022 JUNIOR FOURSOMES TEAM Mary Cullen, Rosie Wilson, Gillian Haldane, Gillian Murray, Liz Andress, Hilary Hall, Rosemary Todd, Patricia Belford Team Manager: Rhona Smyth

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