The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023

TheMusicDepartment has two specialist teachers,Mr

DavidFalconer (HeadofMusic) andMissChelseaPascoe. The Department is also fortunate in gaining fromthe enthusiasmand expertiseofMrsWendyDavison (Physics) who is a classically trained instrumentalist.We also have anumber of outstanding instrumental tutors andare delighted tohaveour own former pupil GeorgiaGrattanworking withus. Such is the reputationof our choirs that our pupils areoften invited toperformat events organisedby Lisburnand CastlereaghCouncil andwe continue tomaintaina special relationshipwithParkview Special School. DRAMA We aredelighted that both junior and senior pupils have theopportunity toattendDrama Cluband the summer termalso sawYear 8participating ina Shakespeare festival focusedon Macbeth . That theatrical delight fondly known toall in theWallace family asChristmas Pie, returned as a live event inDecember 2022.


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