The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023
MUSIC TheMusicDepartment offers instrumental andvoice tuition in awide rangeof areas andwe are delightedby the veryhighuptake of lessons in the following areas: Upper strings: ViolinandViola Lower strings: CelloandDouble Bass Woodwind: Flute, Clarinet and DoubleBass Brass: Trumpet, Trombone, FrenchHornandTuba (Brass Band included) Percussion: DrumKit and Orchestral Percussion Guitar: Classical andElectric, ElectricBass Voice: Soprano toBass Piano: Jazz Piano, Classical Piano, Organ
The generous fundingof the HaddenBursaries by the lateMrs CeliaGourley enables us tooffer additional provision to students.
OliverHeath, apassionate composer, has beenawardeda scholarshipas he is continuinghis studies at tertiary level.
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