The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023

sport,music, iLeader, primary school liaison, pastoral support or charity. HOUSE CAPTAINS These youngpeople and their deputies lead theworkof the sixHouses inco-operation withMrsWendyDavisonand MrDavidSimpson. TheHouse systemseeks to support pupils ina complementary fashion to that of theYearGroupSystem as ourHouses engender a senseof belonging andhealthy competition. Incontrast tomost of the school’s activities and systemswhichareYear based, they activelypromote intra–year relationships creating a closely

knit school family.Wewere delighted to re-introduce the celebratedHouseQuizzeswhich sawanewcharitabledimension. Thepupilsmade adonation to dress inHouse colours and the funds raisedby the eventwere dividedbetween three charities whowere awarded50%, 30% and20%respectively. The winningHouseswere the “yellow” teamswhohad supportedour legacy charity, theCancer Fund for Children.

we shareour expectationswith TeamCaptains. TeamCaptains are encouraged to reflect upon the cultureof competitionandupon the responsibility of their role inguidingothers tounderstand what is expectedof teams representing the school week byweek.

SPORTS CAPTAINS As part of our focus on ‘The

WallaceWay’ ( bywhichwemean thedistinctiveway inwhichwe as a school communicateour ethos)


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