The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023
AtWallacewebelieve in empoweringour pupils. The pupil voice is valuedatWallace. Webelieve that providing roles of responsibility for our young people inour communityhelps their confidence, develops skills for future life andengenders a spirit of loyalty to the school. invaluable introduction to the workings of democracy. Each class selects two representatives for aYear Council, chairedby theAssistantHeadof Year. Each of these councils elects twoof itsmembers to theExecutive Council chairedby theVice SCHOOL COUNCIL Our School Council is an
Principal (Pastoral); webelieve these formal procedures giveour pupils an invaluable insight into the factorswhichgoverndecision making at awhole school level. Year Councils are also supporting the LeadershipTeam’sworkby providing feedbackonproposed policies. SENIOR PREFECTS TheSenior Prefect Teamis comprisedof theHeadBoy, HeadGirl and their deputies. TheSenior Prefect Teamusually meets onaweekly basiswith theSeniorManagement of the school and forms a key layer of communicationbetween staff andpupils. They organiseduty
rotas for theprefects, support theworkof the school at events andact as ambassadors and role models. During the ‘seasons of Covid-19’ they became seasoned mediaperformers andwe continue touseonline content as appropriate. PREFECTS Mr IanLatham, who is responsible for theprefects, has createdan innovativemodel for theprefects whoprovidedailypractical and administrative support to staff by completing a rangeof duties before, during andafter school ina rangeof locations around school. Eachprefect alsobelongs toadesignated teamfor example:
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