
Where is the proposed site?

Detailed site-selection process After extensive research and a detailed site-selection process, Heron Storage is proposing to develop a state-of-the-art battery energy storage project at lands immediately east of Tamnamore Substation and c.260m south-west of No.167 Ballynakilly Road, Tamnamore. The proposed location is approximately 0.92 hectares in size (2.27 acres). It is adjacent to NIE Networks’ Drumkee Road substation (to which it will connect via an underground cable) and an existing battery energy facility which was developed in recent years. Locating the Tamnamore Energy Storage project close to the existing substation minimises the need for new infrastructure required to connect the facility to the electricity grid. It also maximises the benefits of the storage facility as electricity only needs to travel a short distance between the substation and battery, meaning it is more efficient. Detailed planning policy assessment Several relevant planning strategies and policies have been considered when preparing the proposal, including the Regional Development Strategy (RDS) 2035 which provides a strategic planning framework for future development within NI until 2035. This includes guidance policies which focus on Climate Change and the delivery of a sustainable and secure energy supply across NI. Further guidance includes the Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS) 2015, which seeks to facilitate the siting of renewable energy generating facilities in appropriate locations within the built and natural environment, in order to achieve NI’s renewable energy targets. Within the ‘Dungannon and South Tyrone Area Plan 2010’, adopted in March 2005, the site is located outside of any settlement development limit. However, as renewable energy utilities contribute to the aims of sustainable development, they are often considered acceptable in principle within the countryside. The planning application will include detailed environmental assessments and the project will be subject to all relevant health and safety assessments.

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