Sandholes Road Development Proposal
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Hello and Welcome Introduction
Welcome to our virtual Pre-Application Community Consultation (PACC). This website forms part of the Community Consultation in respect of emerging development proposals on Sandholes Road, Cookstown. A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) has been submitted to Mid-Ulster District Council regarding development of a new Business/Industrial Park. This is to include for serviced industrial sites (Use Classes B2/B3/B4) and 1no. Class B3 industrial warehouse to operate as a metal fabrication/preparation/coating and galvanising plant. Development is to also include a new right-hand turn lane access from Sandholes Road and all other associated car parking, servicing and site works. The proposal is being brought forward by local family-owned company LCC Group Ltd. Established in 1986, LCC Group is an independent company initially set up to provide coal to homes in Northern Ireland. They have since grown to supply coal, oil, gas, electricity and logistics services to homes across the UK and Ireland. With global industry links, LCC Group are a well-placed player in the UK and Irish energy sectors. Employing c. 200 people, with UK Head Office in Churchtown to the north of Cookstown, LCC Group intend to double their workforce over the next 5 years. This proposal forms an integral part of the ambitious growth plan. Consultation during COVID-19 In light of ongoing social distancing measures, temporary PACC Regulations were introduced by the Department for Infrastructure. The statutory requirement of the normal public consultation and drop-in event was removed in the interest of public safety. To replace this and ensure all stakeholders remain appropriately informed, the temporary legislation instead encouraged and provided guidance for alternative consultation methods. We are using a number The purpose of this website is to share initial details and collect feedback from the community and interested parties on our concept proposal. This process will help to inform the future submission of any Planning Application to Mid Ulster District Council. We are committed to engaging with all members of the community, both from Cookstown and further afield, and are now undertaking a 12-week period of remote consultation on our proposals in line with regional guidance. All feedback received will be shared with the project design team to help shape our concept proposals. A Statement of Community Involvement (SoCI), summarising the consultation process, all feedback received, our response and how we have incorporated any appropriate feedback into the final proposals for the scheme, will be submitted as part of any future Full Planning Application to Mid Ulster District Council. At such times, this will be available to view on the Public Access NI Planning Portal. of digital and remote tools to help you to provide feedback on our proposals. Purpose of Consultation and Next Steps
Indicative CGI
Strategic Context Cookstown is the principal administrative and commercial centre for Mid Ulster District Council, located centrally in Northern Ireland and to the west of Lough Neagh. Cookstown is equidistant from Belfast to the east (48 miles) and Derry City to the northwest (43 miles). As noted by the Regional Development Strategy (RDS) 2035 for Northern Ireland, Cookstown is a Main Hub which has the potential to form a cluster with Dungannon and Magherafelt. All of these towns act as important centres for retailing, commerce and business. Cookstown is well placed within the Regional Strategic Transport Network. It occupies a key nodal point of two link corridors; the A28/A29 linking from Newry to Coleraine in a north-south direction and A32/A505 westwards towards Enniskillen and beyond. Additionally, Cookstown is easily accessible from both the M1 Motorway towards Lisburn/ Belfast and A6 Carriageway towards Derry City. These transport and logistical connections place Cookstown in close proximity to all major sea/airports of Northern Ireland (Belfast, Larne, Warrenpoint).
RDS 2035 Extract
Site Location The site comprises a large portion of undeveloped lands to the south of Cookstown on Sandholes Road, approximately 3 miles from the Town Centre. Irregular in shape and extending to c. 7.7Ha (19 Acres) with ground levels rising from north to south, the site is to the rear of No. 20 Sandholes Road (Scott’s Contracts). There is an existing access point to the site from Sandholes Road north No. 20 Sandholes Road. Whilst the site is situated on the southern edge of Cookstown, the surrounding context is characterised by industrial development of large-format businesses and factories. This includes Ballyreagh Industrial Estate (Emerson Air Compressor Supplies, Keystone Lintels and CDE Global Wet Processing Equipment Plant) and Ballyreagh Business Park (Trade Mouldings, Steelweld Fabrications Ltd.). Sperrin Tube Supplies are directly adjacent to the north at No. 14 Sandholes Road, along with Lafarge Cement works approximately 400m to the southwest.
Site Location (indicatively outlined)
Aerial Image (indicatively outlined)
Area Plan Context The Local Development Plan (LDP) and policy provisions relevant to the site are within the Cookstown Area Plan (CAP) 2010. As per Map No. 36a – Cookstown, the site boundary includes the Industry/Mixed Business Use Zoning Ref: I 3, along with a small portion of lands (c. 1.45Ha) outside the settlement development limit of Cookstown. As noted by the CAP 2010, industry traditionally developed to the south of the town where early linen mills were sited next to the Ballinderry River. Whilst these have long since disappeared, this remains the focus of industrial activity including the Lafarge Cement Works to the south of the site. In total, the CAP 2010 identified 65.6Ha of land for Industry and Mixed Business Use. Policy IND 1 notes that within these areas, planning permission will normally be granted for industry, storage and distribution, and other appropriate business uses where the development meets the Key Site Requirements (KSRs) of the zoning. Referred to within the LDP as ‘Land southeast of Sandholes Road, Ballyreagh’, the I 3 zoning includes for a number of KSRs. Whilst originally published in June 2004, with the immediate context having since changed, the relevant KSRs can be summarised as: - • Access to the site should be limited to two entrances; • A footway/cycleway should be provided along Sandholes Road; • Where appropriate, trees and hedgerows should be retained and augmented; • Landscaping and buffer planting of indigenous trees and shrubs should be provided along Sandholes Road and the northern site boundary adjoining Ballyreagh House;
• A cycleway should be provided to link with an existing scheme on Sandholes Road; and • A pedestrian/cycle link with the Ballyreagh Industrial Estate should be provided.
CAP 2010 Extract (site indicatively outlined)
Concept Proposals The concept proposals we are seeking feedback on through this PACC include for provision of approximately 4no. serviced industrial sites, 1no. metal fabrication/galvanising/surface coating plant, new right-hand turn from Sandholes Road, parking and servicing space, landscaping and all other associated site works.
Concept Site Layout (for indicative purposes only)
Metal Galvanising + Protective Surface Coating Plant This state of the art plant is to include various metal fabrication processes such as hot-dip galvanising, surface coating and general protection. This plant building is to be of typical industrial construction/materials, including for approximately 130,000ft2 of internal floorspace. Widely used in construction, infrastructure and manufacturing, it is estimated that 8 million tonnes of steel products are protected annually, with around 45% of this being utilised in building construction. Around 22,500 people directly employed in this industry with an estimated economic value of £2.7 billion. The galvanising processing includes steps such as rinsing, acid cleaning, stripping, flux dip, drying, hot-dip galvanising (c. 440-460ºC), material quenching and final inspection. As the primary material utilised throughout the process, zinc is continually recovered, recycled and reused. Of the 8 million tonnes of steel protected each year, only 0.5 million tonnes of zinc are required. Cutting edge technology will be utilised for recycling of waste chemicals and products, preventing these from being sent to landfill. The plant will include for exhaust air purification systems to prevent harmful vapours from escaping into the atmosphere. Job roles associated with the plant include loading and unloading of stock/materials, quality control, equipment maintenance, metal fabrication/powder coating, operation of hot-dip kettle equipment and chemical engineers. Serviced Industrial Sites With provision for c. 4no. serviced industrial sites, the concept proposal seeks to provide high-quality facilities for Class B2/B3/B4 industrial and storage & distribution operators. These self-contained and secured sites are to be accessed via the newly proposed estate road, with all associated parking and servicing in-curtilage.
Community and Economic Benefits The concept proposal we are seeking your feedback on involves the construction of a new Business/Industrial Park on Sandholes Road, Cookstown. The scheme will deliver a number of significant short and long term benefits for the local Cookstown community and wider Northern Irish economy as outlined below: - • The concept proposals represent significant investment from a local family-run business to the Cookstown community in the region of £24 million, with the bespoke metal galvanising and surface coatings equipment totalling more than 50% of this total investment; • Once operational, the galvanising plant will provide in the region of 110no. permanent jobs, with approximately 150no. construction roles throughout the build period; • Positive ongoing benefit to local suppliers and subcontractors in the Cookstown and Mid Ulster Region, both throughout the construction phase of the proposal as well as on a continued basis; • Bespoke galvanising plant will be the most modern and state of the art of its kind in the UK and Ireland, expanding the market provision for various sectors including construction. Have Your Say Give us a call: If you would like a member of the team to discuss our proposals over the phone and answer any questions, you can call us on 028 9043 4333 Write to us: If you wish to make comments on the proposals you can do so in writing by sending comments to: Address: TSA Planning, 20 May Street, Belfast, BT1 4NL Email: Complete a Comment Card Comments cards, along with a self-addressed envelope, have been delivered to local businesses and properties within the vicinity of the proposal site. These can be filled in and returned to us as directed. Alternatively, electronic comment cards can be completed via the online form submission on our website homepage: Download the Proposal Pack You can download an electronic copy of the proposals pack on our website, all you have to do is click on the link within the homepage. If you have any issues downloading the pdf then please call us on 028 9043 4333, or alternatively email: Closing date for feedback – Monday 16th August (5pm)
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