RBGC Fixtures & Rule Booklet

VISITORS 28. (a) Visitors may, subject to such Regulations as the Council may make from time to time, be introduced free of charge to the Club House and grounds, if accompanied by the Member introducing them. No such visitor, except where that person is a parent, husband, wife, Civil partner, or child of a member, shall be introduced to the Club House and Grounds more than six times in any one financial year. (b) A visitor shall not be admitted to the Club premises except in the company of a Member and the Member shall, immediately on the admission of his visitor to the Club premises, enter his or her name and address and the name and address of his or her visitor in a Book which shall be kept for that purpose, and which shall show the date of each visit. A Member shall be responsible for his visitor strictly observing the Rules and shall not leave the Club premises before his visitor. (c) Visitors may be admitted to play tennis with a Member upon payment of such fees as the Council may from time to time determine, provided that no visitor shall be permitted to play tennis on more than six occasions in any one financial year. (d) The Chief Executive or any Member of the Council may cancel the introduction of any visitor whose conduct is objectionable or who deliberately breaks any of the Rules, Byelaws or Regulations of the Club. All fees paid by such visitors will be forfeited. (e) Former Members, who have ceased to be Members under Rule 23, may not, under any circumstances, be introduced to the Club House and grounds or use the golf course or tennis courts.


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