Minprint Showroom
sign & display showroom Welcome to the Minprint
products & materials engagement point 1
Our display products are the cornerstone of our sign & display showroom, and everything in our showroom was printed and DVVHPEOHG E\ RXU WHDP :KHQ ZH say we can print on anything, we mean it! 2XU UDQJH RI ȵH[LEOH PHGLD LQFOXGHV a wide variety of specialist vinyl, such as wallpaper, banners, posters, fabrics, window graphics, printed ȵRRULQJ DQG PXFK PRUH Check out our sample wall to see a snapshot of our materials. Help yourself to our pick & mix printed samples - you can take these away and have a go at applying to your ZDOO ȵRRU RU FDU WR VHH KRZ WKH\ look and feel! Our printed display boards are a versatile and durable method for getting your message to the world without blowing your whole budget. $YDLODEOH LQ Acrylic Foam PVC Aluminium Composite Foam Board Corrugated Cardboard Corrugated PVC Honeycomb Board Plywood Bonovo Ply Check out our Go Get Print lightbox in the showroom - it was printed on backlit silicone and uses our T3 modular system. The display is collapsible, lightweight and easily portable.
sign & display showroom Welcome to the Minprint
In a world where standing out is key, it's our job to help you get your message to customers. :H UH SDVVLRQDWH DERXW WKH SRZHU RI SULQW WR HQJDJH customers and make an impact, and this passion drives XV WR FRQVWDQWO\ EXLOG RXU H[SHUWLVH VR ZH FDQ SURYLGH \RX ZLWK D ȴUVW FODVV VHUYLFH IRU DOO \RXU VLJQ DQG display needs. Our new showroom showcases the range of products and materials available, from simple banner materials WKURXJK WR FXVWRP EXLOW H[KLELWLRQ GLVSOD\V Planning an event or heading to an exhibition? Our VKRZURRP VKRXOG EH WKH ȴUVW VWRS RQ \RXU OLVW If you would like to know more information about a SURGXFW RU PDWHULDO RQ GLVSOD\ RU DQ\ RI WKH 0LQSULQW VHUYLFHV VLPSO\ DVN D PHPEHU RI VWD DQG WKH\ ZLOO EH more than happy to help.
Signage Point of Sale Exhibition Display Packaging Wall Art Vehicle Graphics
design & sign studios engagement point 2
production studio engagement point 4
The design & sign studios are the creative hubs for all our sign and display products; this is where we bring your ideas to life. Our large format designer Neil has fantastic ideas for display and to see how we can help you stand out and get noticed. Pop into the design studio to see what Neil is working on, and if you have any design ideas you'd like to discuss, he'll be happy to help. ΖI \RX UH ORRNLQJ IRU VKRS IURQW VLJQDJH RU vehicle branding, pop in for a chat with our VLJQDJH GLUHFWRU $QG\ DQG KH FDQ JLYH \RX KLV H[SHUW DGYLFH RQ WKH EHVW RSWLRQV We also have a full design team based at Minprint HQ on Castlereagh Road, specialising in branding, marketing materials, printed publications and business stationery. Our team has the skills, experience and creativity to bring a new dimension to the way you present your business. printeriors engagement point 3 Printed interiors opens up a world of possibilities as you can simply print whatever you like onto your wall covering. Check out our printed wallpaper in the showroom and try out our HP wall art app following our easy to use guide. Quick Tip: Don’t forget to feel the wall as one part is printed onto a textured wallpaper, and the other is printed onto smooth wallpaper. :H KDYH FRQWLQXHG WKH WURSLFDO WKHPH LQWR RXU VPDOO NLWFKHQ DQG : &
This is where it all happens. From printing to cutting to wrapping to building, this is ZKHUH \RX OO EH DEOH WR VHH IRU \RXUVHOI ZKDW we can create. 2XU ()Ζ 9XWHN ȵDWEHG 89 SULQWHU LV WKH ȴUVW RI its kind in Ireland, giving us the unique ability to print on materials that are up to 3.2m wide. :H DOVR KDYH DQ (VNR GLJLWDO FXWWLQJ WDEOH which can cut any of our substrates to a bespoke shape in no time! :H DOVR KDYH D UDQJH RI RWKHU SULQWHUV IRU printing and cutting vinyl labels, car decals and small run items.
engagement point 5
branding bay
Vehicle branding has the best return on investment rate of any type of advertising - why not make your car do the work for you?
Interested in trying it out for yourself? Have a go at applying some car decals for yourself -go head to head with Stuart to try and win some prizes!
exhibition excellence together we’ll make stunning exhibitions We can help with modular displays, portable stands, hanging displays, event backdrops, ipad stands and display pods. We also take care of exhibition design and installation.
MINPRINT’S TOP TIPS FOR EXHIBITION EXCELLENCE Research – Choose your exhibition carefully, consider how closely this matches your target market and keep in mind the costs of exhibiting. Space – Be realistic regarding the amount of space you need. Are you selling or demonstrating product or machinery on your stand; will you need storage; will you need a private meeting area; will you be offering hospitality; how many staff are involved. Location – Where do you want to be within the exhibition? Look at the exhibitor floorplan and think about flow of visitors. What features and events are the organisers planning? A space close to a feature would often be considered premium sites. Budget – Ensure that your space will catch the attention of your invited customers and speculative delegates. Cost is relative, you get what you pay for and that is reflected in the quality and finish of your stand. Consider - will you reuse the stand; will you want to rent or buy; do you want Modular or Custom Build; who is going to set up? Advertise - Don’t blame the show organiser for poor traffic to your stand. Send out emails, advertise on your website, in your industry trade press and tell them which stand you will be on, what you will be displaying or demonstrating, any special show offers and send them free tickets. Training – Train your staff how to work the exhibition stand. Make sure they have the correct product knowledge and understand why your company is investing in the exhibition and what you need to get out of it. Are you there to build brand awareness or to convert attendees to customers? Collect – Exhibitions are about promoting your company to a live audience. Every person who visits your stand is a potential customer and interacting with them is the key to a successful exhibition. Make notes on business cards to remind yourself later of who you talked to and what you talked about. Choose quality over quantity - There are timewasters at every exhibition, learn how to qualify your prospects with a few key questions e.g. Do you know our Company/brand? Is our product/service something that might interest you, if not now then perhaps sometime in the future? Enjoy – Customers are not going to engage with you if you give the impression that you would rather be somewhere else. Exhibitions are tiring, they make your feet and legs scream at you but if you aren’t smiling and having fun you may as well not be there. Follow up – Ensure one person is tasked with bringing back the leads and before the dust has time to settle, make an action plan for how you intend to follow up on your leads. Analyse – Post exhibition have a full debrief on all elements of the show. Consider costs vs budget and show targets vs reality. How much business was done at the show and in the subsequent months that you can directly attribute to the exhibition. If you were to do it again, would you do anything differently?
exhibition excellence top tips for trade show exhibition Planning for your next event? Use our top tips to help you get the best return on investment from your exhibition.
shop front signage Quality design and innovative signage solutions
Indoor or Outdoor, Big or small, Illuminated or not we make your business our business from site visit and design to in house manufacturing and installation.
ESSENTIALS FOR SHOP FRONT SIGNAGE Plan Ahead – Think of how your signs can impact on the customer journey and how they can attract attention and affect customer behaviour. Get Inspired - Start a Pinterest board or take photos of signs that you like the look of. Show us what you like, as this will help us get an idea of the style that would work best for your business. Purpose – Think about placement and purpose. Storefront branding will have different requirements to internal direction or point of sale (Point Of Sale) signage. Design Considerations - Keep signage in line with your existing brand, as this will help customers identify you easily and ensure your message is consistent and easily recognisable. Be Concise - Customers are in a hurry and won’t stop to read large amounts of text. External signage needs to be concise and internal signs should still get your point across in just a few seconds. Use Contrasting Colours - Always choose contrasting colours for your sign, as this will ensure maximum readability. However, don’t compromise your brand colours or else your customers won’t recognise your business. Clear, Readable Font - Test your fonts at different sizes to make sure all content is readable; fonts should be easy to read and appropriate to the position of the sign. Call To Action - This applies more to internal signs and point of sale, but is worth keeping in mind - use signage to your advantage to help guide customers through the store and maximise visibility of key products. Have Fun and Be Creative - Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, getting creative with your signage can be a great way to catch the attention of passers by. Use specialist techniques like backlit signs, 3D letters or brushed aluminium to help your business stand out.
Design | Manufacture | Installation | Maintenance
shop front signage Complete signage solutions
For signage ideas and inspiration, contact us on 028 9070 5205, or send us an email at sales@minprint.co.uk.
make an impact with an
eye-catching POS display
POS that says YES Grab attention with bold displays
On the shop shelf, end of aisle, front of store, hanging from the ceiling or plastered across WKH ȵRRU Ȃ ZH KDYH D 326 RSWLRQ WKDW ZLOO FDWFK WKH H\H RI ERWK EURZVHUV DQG VHULRXV shoppers.
Strut Card Pockets - Add a pocket to your strut cards for easy to grab OHDȵHWV DQG JLYHDZD\ LWHPV Acrylic Dispensers – Don’t miss out, use an ‘Empty’ label Dump Bins – Use multiple headers to change your message Digital Displays – Keep content fresh using a cloud upload solution Light Pockets Ȃ *R /(' DQG VWDQG RXW ZLWK D OLJKW XS SRVWHU GLVSOD\ Wobblers 7U\ DGGLQJ DQ /(' ȵDVKLQJ OLJKW WR JUDE DWWHQWLRQ Customer Details - Use cross media to capture data and engage Make it Interactive Ȃ ZLWK WRXFK VFUHHQV DQG DXJPHQWHG UHDOLW\ Free Standing Display Units $GG D SULQWHG WDNH DZD\ Counter Top SHUIHFW WR GLVSOD\ SURGXFW DOORZLQJ SHRSOH WR WRXFK DQG HQJDJH ZLWK WKH SURGXFW SOXV VWRUDJH XQGHU IRU KDQG\ WRS XS Surprise 8VH LQIUDUHG WR GHWHFW D SDVVHU E\ WR WULJJHU D VRXQG RU YLGHR
With so many new ideas and customer promotions, update your Point Of Sale (POS) regularly with bold displays and fresh, relevant content.
POS that says YES point of sale solutions
For signage ideas and inspiration, contact us on 028 9070 5205, or send us an email at sales@minprint.co.uk.
1. If you are creating the artwork make sure you save the file as a PDF/X-4:2008. Go into the Marks and Bleed panel and turn on Trim Marks - set the Offset and bleed to the same value. e.g. 3mm (see image) 2. Once you have created the file open it in Acrobat.
If you don’t have Acrobat set up correctly then do the following:
a. Open the Tools menu on the top left of Acro- bat. b. In the Review & Approve list select Add - Measure c. In the Protect & Standardize list select Add - Print Production
3. Now go back to your PDF in Acrobat and you should see the new Icons in the Right-Side Panel. If you don’t, just toggle back into Tools again and select Print Production in the Right-Side Panel and then return to your PDF. 4. Select Output Preview from the panel, this opens the Output Preview panel. a. Check that all the colours you require are listed correctly. b. Check by using the tick boxes that everything is on the correct layer . c. Check nothing is knocking out of colours below it, e.g. cut lines. d. Check that all the digital cut layers are on separate layers and correctly named, e.g. Cut, Crease. 5. Close Output Preview and Check the page sizes, bleeds, number of pages etc. a. You can also use the Measuring Tool to check dimensions, select Measure from the side panel and then in the header panel use the Measuring Tools to get the dimensions you require. 6. Once you have checked these you can now pass your files onto Production.
pre press perfection Make sure your artwork prints perfectly first time. Our step by step pre press guide will highlight what we are looking for and offers some top tips for ensuring perfect output for print.
When sending artwork that needs to be cut, creased or include a spot white layer, you must send the artwork with the base artwork on one layer and any crease marks on another layer . Repeat this process for any creases or spot whites. Should a document have a cut, crease and spot white layer you must supply each of these elements on separate layers (ie four layers in total). Spot White Layer - Create a Spot Colour, call it Spot White , give it a visual colour of 50% Cyan (so you can see it), and set it to Overprint Fill . Then in View set to Overprint Preview
Digital Cutting Layers - Colour with swatches from th e ArtiosCAD Line Types menu, select the appropriate swatch depending on what you require. Set to Overprint Stroke .
pre press perfection Make sure your artwork prints perfectly first time.
For more information about pre press requirements, contact us on 028 9070 5205 or email us at sales@minprint.co.uk.
Outside Flags - Zoom Flags, available in various sizes and shapes. technical information
Free Standing Products Exhibition Stand - T3 exhibition system with graphics printed direct to foamex and affixed with MagTape. Large Promotional Stand - Free Standing Display Unit (FSDU) printed o flute material. Designed using CAD. Go Get Print TV Stand - T3 exhibition system including TV mounting equipment. Graphics printed direct to foamex and affixed with MagTape. Display Products -For information or all of our display products pick up one of our display catalogues. Roll Up Banners- Available in various sizes. Curved Display Pop Up - Folds away into transportable container which also becomes exhibition counter. Great for exhibitions as you can easily change your message by reprinting the graphics and re-using the system. Flexible Media Sample Area Side Wall - Wooden stock panels wrapped with Sampa Opaque Fabric Pix ‘n’ Mix Samples - Acrylic panels mounted on locators. Custom made leaflet holders Digital Advertising Display - This can be remotely accessed for easy updating during an event. Go Get Print Illuminated Wall - Backlit T3 exhibition system. This is lightweight and can be folded away. Production Studio Large Print - Printed fabric material hung using a Spiritflex system Square Print - Printed backlit fabric material hung using a Spiritflex LIT system. Printer Information - Decal cut lettering in white vinyl. Verticle Banner - Banner material on wall mounted poles Machine Specification Vutek Printer - The Vutek has a print width up to 3.2m. It can print 55 full sheets per hour which is 223m 2. It can print 3 layer plus white ink printing and is high-definition (1000dpi) Cutting Table - Esko cutting table can cut material up to 30-40mm thick and can cut a sheet that is 10ft x 5ft.
Large Landscape Banner - Ripstop Banner material hung with Lind Spring Tension System. This is a unique system and we are the only supplier in Northern Ireland. Large Portrait Banner - Ripstop Banner material hung using a Spiritflex system. Front Counter and Entrance Welcome Counter - T3 exhibition system. Entrance Doors - Printable frosting on centre pane. Light pocket display frames Flooring - 2mm G Floor with a 10 year + lifespan. Kitchen Floor - Not permanent vinyl. This is a great temporary solution and lasts approx. 6 to 8 months Kitchen Wall - Ripstop Vinyl W.C. Floor - 2mm Lino. This is a long term cushioned floor covering that is also waterproof. Toilet Wall - OraClad for brick or very rough surfaces Design & Sign Studios Design Studio Sign - Raised letters cut out of foamex Illuminated Poster Display - LED backlit display with poster printed onto translight material. Design Studio Window Graphics - Utak Gel (Optically clear self cling). This is easy to install yourself. Design Studio Door Graphics - Contravision. Sign Studio Window & Door Graphics - Printed Frosting Wallpaper Station - Textured Wallpaper on the left and smooth wallpaper on the right
Get in touch Contact us 028 9070 5205 Email us
sales@minprint.co.uk Come and visit us
Minprint Head Office & Print Production 401 Castlereagh Road, Belfast, BT5 6QP Minprint Sign & Display Showroom & Production Studio Units 5 & 6 Prince Regent Business Park, Prince Regent Road, Belfast, BT5 6QR
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