Checkpoint | Spring 2017
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GREATER THINGS HAVE YET TO COME. GREATER THINGS ARE STILL TO BE DONE IN THIS CITY. Summer is a difficult time in our policing calendar. For many years we have seen the very worst of Northern Ireland over the summer months as community tensions rise and streets become battlegrounds. Do you believe God has a better plan in store for us? Join us as we pray over our communities, our colleagues and our nation.
Venue: Dock Café, Queens Road, Titanic Quarter, Belfast (Beside the SS Nomadic)
Date: Fri 2 nd June 2017 @ 7.30pm
Annual Holiday Bible Week Mon - Fri 14th - 18th August 2017 Portrush Presbyterian Church
POINTS FOR PRAYER Speakers Those sharing their faith Salvation of Souls Musicians
MORNING SESSION Mon - Fri at 10.30am Rev Jonathan Currie, 1st Saintfield Presbyterian Church EVENING SESSION Mon - Fri at 7.30pm Rev Andrew Mullan, Mourne Presbyterian Church
BBQ Beach Activities Football Watersports Giants Causeway Carrick-a-Rede Children’s work ACTIVITIES
CPA Text Line: 07443472180
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