White Mountain
Our Company
Whitemountain is a market leading Lagan company. The Lagan Group companies rank among the most successful and diverse engineering, contracting and quarry materials companies in the UK and Ireland.
With our original quarrying operations dating EDFN RYHU \HDUV RXU FRPSDQ\ RƪHULQJ KDV evolved in order to meet customer demand and market opportunities. Activities such as aggregate production, asphalt production and road surfacing have expanded to include specialist highway maintenance services including road marking, high-friction surfacing and vehicle restraint V\VWHPV 2WKHU VHUYLFHV VSDQ DLUƬHOG VXUIDFLQJ and maintenance, civil engineering, waste management and bitumen distribution. Our customer base includes leading airport operators, principal contractors in the highways, civil engineering and construction sectors, and public sector roads authorities. We undertake works as a product supplier, a main contractor, a sub-contractor or a Joint Venture partner. As a proven reliable partner we aim to consistently deliver for all our customers, building positive and sustainable relationships based on quality of service, expertise, successful project delivery and a professional business approach.
Our commitment to continual improvement and business optimisation has led to a range of accreditations for our company and products. Our ISO accredited Integrated Management System covers Quality, Health and Safety, the Environment and Training. Product accreditations include BBA HAPAS and CE Marking. Whitemountain is a market leader in the quarry materials, asphalt, surfacing, DLUƬHOG PDLQWHQDQFH KLJKZD\ PDLQWHQDQFH bitumen and civil engineering sectors. We have an established reputation as a reliable supplier of superior quality aggregates and surfacing products to major UK and European-based contractors.
With our original quarrying operations GDWLQJ EDFN RYHU ƬƱ\ years, our company RƪHULQJ KDV HYROYHG LQ order to meet customer demand and market opportunities.
Our reputation in this ƬHOG FRQWLQXHV WR grow, with customer satisfaction achieved through the consistent
delivery of quality projects, on time and within budget.
Whitemountain Sheepwalk Road, Lisburn Co. Antrim BT28 3RD TEL: +44 (0) 28 9250 1000
info@whitemountain.co.uk www.whitemountain.co.uk
Civil Engineering
Whitemountain is an established and experienced civil engineering contractor, having completed an extensive range of projects in the UK and Ireland LQFOXGLQJ URDGV DLUƬHOGV DQG FRQVWUXFWLRQ VLWH works sectors.
Our capability ranges from sub-structures, ground stabilisation, groundworks, major enabling schemes, road construction, bridgeworks, environmental improvements, urban regeneration, infrastructure works and DLUƬHOG FRQVWUXFWLRQ Public sector clients include national and local authorities in the roads, education and health sectors, while private sector clients include principal construction contractors, airport operators and other commercial clients.
Our civil engineering resources are continually expanding and improving through a planned capital investment and replacement SURJUDPPH 2XU UHSXWDWLRQ LQ WKLV ƬHOG continues to grow, with customer satisfaction achieved through the consistent delivery of quality projects, on time and within budget.
Our reputation in this ƬHOG FRQWLQXHV WR grow, with customer satisfaction achieved through the consistent
delivery of quality projects, on time and within budget.
Whitemountain is a market leader in the Northern Ireland quarry materials sector, operating several quarries in the region. We supply quality aggregate SURGXFWV VXFK DV KLJK VSHFLƬFDWLRQ DJJUHJDWHV DQG sub-bases throughout Ireland while exporting from our facility at Port of Belfast.
Our range of aggregates is suitable for use in highway construction and civil engineering projects as well as in the production of ready mixed concrete and precast concrete. Our Gritstone (+68 and +65 PSV Greywacke) is in extremely high demand from export markets for use in Asphalt Surface Courses given its unique low abrasion and high polished stone values which have led to its use on major highways in the UK, Ireland and Europe.
The superior quality of our products is recognised throughout the industry with key customers including the major asphalt manufacturers such as Eurovia, Lafarge Tarmac, Cemex and Colas. 2XU KLJK VSHFLƬFDWLRQ DJJUHJDWHV DUH DOVR an important component in our in-house production of asphalt and other innovative CE Marked surfacing products. All aggregates are produced in accordance with European Standards with our quarries and products holding relevant CE Marking and Type 7HVW &HUWLƬFDWLRQV
The superior quality of our products is recognised throughout the industry with key customers including the major asphalt manufacturers.
Temple Quarry 26 Ballycarngannon Road, Lisburn
Ballystockart Quarry Ballystockart Road Comber
Cam Quarry 39 Cam Road Macosquin, Coleraine
Co. Antrim BT27 6YA
Co. Down BT23 5QY
Co. Antrim BT51 4PX
T: +44 (0) 28 9250 1000 E: info@whitemountain.co.uk
T: +44 (0) 28 9250 1000 E: info@whitemountain.co.uk
T: +44 (0) 28 9250 1000 E: info@whitemountain.co.uk
Whitemountain Sheepwalk Road, Lisburn Co. Antrim BT28 3RD TEL: +44 (0) 28 9250 1000
info@whitemountain.co.uk www.whitemountain.co.uk
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