Ulster Rugby vs Harlequins



When did you start playing rugby, and who was your first team? When I was 8 playing for Bangor Minis What’s your favourite rugby memory? My first cap for Ulster and Ireland If you could re-live one moment from your rugby career, what would it be? (Good or bad) Scoring my first try for Ireland playing against Argentina What’s the one thing you could not live without? My dog, Miley Favourite subject in school? Classical Civilisation All-time favourite movie? 300 Best player you have played with? Charles Piutau Best player you have played against? Isa Nacewa What’s your pre-match routine? Any superstitions? Clean boots, bag packed, good music and enjoy it What’s on your pre-match playlist? Bi™y Clyro Who has been the biggest influence on your rugby career and why? My parents, I want to give back to them because they gave me so much What area of your game do you want to improve most this season? Tackle Entry Tell us something not many people would know about you? I got my motorbike license a few years ago!



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