Ulster Rugby v Southern Kings


They want to welcome the Southern Kings to &Ѵv|;u -m7 r-uঞ1†Ѵ-uѴ‹ |o bm]vr-m "|-7b†lķ the home of Ulster Rugby. The choir have been vromvou;7 0‹ |_; -ঞom-Ѵ o‚;u‹ oll†mb|‹ †m7 =ou vol; o= |o7-‹Ľv ;t†brl;m| m;;7vķ bm1Ѵ†7bm] |_;bu ‰-ul f-1h;|v -m7 |_; =-m|-vঞ1 sound system from Forfey. $_; 1_obuĽv l†vb1-Ѵ 7bu;1|ouķ †Ѵb; -ur;uķ started the choir in 2013 with 30 people. Today the choir has over 100 members and a very -1ঞˆ; 1_bѴ7u;mĽv 1_obu u;ru;v;mঞm] -ѴѴ v;1ঞomv of our community. $_; 1_obu u;_;-uv;v ;ˆ;u‹ om7-‹ -| bv0†um Cathedral with a palpable atmosphere of enjoyment and friendship. Although the choir 1†uu;m|Ѵ‹ _-v - ‰-bঞm] Ѵbv| =ou m;‰ =;l-Ѵ; members, they are always on the lookout for new male members. a variety of pieces including some =ub1-m l†vb1 -m7 - m;‰ u;m7bঞom o= ‘Stand up for the Ulster Men’. Lisburn Community Choir entertains us today from the corner of the Memorial Stand and East Terrace with



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