Ulster Rugby v Southern Kings

|Ľv mo| -m -11b7;m|ķ lou; - _-rr‹ķ ;-uѴ‹ 1omv;t†;m1; o= ]oo7 _-0b|v |-hbm] Cul uoo|ķ of good management being coherent and ru-]l-ঞ1 ‰b|_o†| Ѵovbm] r-vvbomķ -m7 - m;‰ Ѵ;-7;uv_br bm |_; oL1;v o= u†]0‹ bm &Ѵv|;uĺ -m 1 -uѴ-m7 -m7 omm‹ ;|ub;ķ |_; m;‰ _b;= Š;1†ঞˆ;ķ ruoˆb7; - u;=u;v_bm]ķ _-u7‰ouhbm] dynamic at the heart of the club, and the game itself in the Province. The standard-bearing Ulster side will hopefully demonstrate the good health of the sport – on |_; C;Ѵ7 -m7 bm |_; v;-|v -m7 om |_; |;uu-1;v of Kingspan Stadium this evening with a full- throated display and convincing win over the Kings. $_; orrovbঞom ‰bѴѴ _-ˆ; &Ѵv|;uĽv u;vr;1|Ĺ -m‹ side which has beaten Glasgow and Edinburgh -m7 u†m ;bmv|;u -m7 o|_;u ļ0b] ]†mvĽ 1Ѵov;ķ merits regard. †| |_; _ol; |;-lĽv lou; 7bv1brѴbm;7 r-1h -m7 b|v u;7bv1oˆ;u;7 r;m1_-m| =ou 1omC7;m|ķ successful set-pieces will surely prevail -]-bmv| |_; u;Ѵ-ঞˆ;Ѵ‹ bm;Šr;ub;m1;7 ˆbvbঞm] ļ;b]_|Ľĺ m7 |_; &Ѵv|;u 0-1hvķ even if not featuring some prominent performers, have a maturity and intelligence which has been so evident in the play and leadership of Darren -ˆ;ķ "|†-u| 1 Ѵovh;‹ -m7 o†bv †7bhķ |o name just three. Billy Burns is an out-half who has ‘the vision |_bm]Ľķ -m7 - ]uo‰bm] r_‹vb1-Ѵ ru;v;m1;ķ Dave Shanahan is a scrum-half growing in 1omC7;m1;ķ ‰_bѴ; !o0 ‹‚Ѵ;ķ b1_-;Ѵ o‰u‹ -m7 -Ѵo†1o†m; -u; f†v| r-u| o= -m ;Š1;rঞom-Ѵ -ulo†u‹ -ˆ-bѴ-0Ѵ; |o 1 -uѴ-m7ĺ †h; -uv_-ѴѴ bv |o u;|†um ˆ;u‹ voomķ vo |_; lb7C;Ѵ7 1_ob1;v -u; l†ѴঞrѴ; -m7 ;Š1bঞm]ĺ |_ubѴѴbm] lom|_ bv bm prospect. But tonight, the Kings must be dethroned.



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