Ulster Rugby v Southern Kings
North Down Women are a newly formed team comprised of female players from Donaghadee, Ards and Bangor Rugby Clubs. Each club -Ѵu;-7 _-7 - vl-ѴѴ 0| ;m|_vb-vঞ1 ]uor o= ol;mķ ;-];u |o 7;;Ѵor their game but did not have enough numbers to form a team of their own. By joining together, they have been able to enter a development team in Division 2 of the Ulster Women’s League. for the upcoming Rejenerate Shield Final, and all |_; vb]mv -u; robmঞm] |o - 0ub]_| =|u;ĺ
$u-7bঞom-ѴѴ ub-Ѵv =uol lbmbv rķ |_; |_u;; 1Ѵ0v have bonded, playing and socialising together, while enjoying the undivided support of their u;vr;1ঞ; 1Ѵ0vĺ | |_; v-l; ঞl;ķ |_; rѴ-;uv _-; 0;;m -0Ѵ; |o u;|-bm |_;bu 1Ѵ0 b7;mঞঞ;v -m7 allegiances, which are so important to them. $_; ou|_ om )ol;mĽv |;-l bm1Ѵ7;v - wide variety of playing experience; some had previously only played touch rugby, some were more experienced, while others were brand new to the game. $_; Cuv| v;-vom _-v 0;;m - v|;;r 0| ;mfo-0Ѵ; learning curve, which has seen the club qualify
If you are in the North Down area and oѴ7 Ѵbh; |o ]b; ol;mĽv u]0 -| |uķ Cm7 North Down Women’s Rugby on Facebook -m7 mv|-]u-l =ou lou; bm=oul-ঞomĺ Ѵ|;um-ঞ;Ѵķ |o Cm7 |_; m;-u;v| ol;mĽv team near you, contact Ulster Rugby ;l-Ѵ; !]0 L1;u ;-Ѵ o_mv|om om Əƕƕѵƕ ƐƐƔƕѵƓ ņ ;-Ѵĺ o_mv|omŠ ulsterrugby.com.
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