Ulster Rugby v Southern Kings
down in years gone by has really improved while |_; |or |;-lv _-; 1omঞm;7 |o ];| 0;;uķ so there are no easy games any more in the 1olr;ঞঞomĺ “You see a lot of sides beat each other which is l-hbm] b| u;-ѴѴ ঞ]_|ĺ $_-|Ľv ]u;-| =ou |_; =-mvķ guess, and for us it keeps us on our toes. It also means we have to get another good result this weekend!” $_; -|_ m-ঞ; _-v -Ѵvo 0;;m lomb|oubm] _bv individual performances throughout the season, -m7 =;;Ѵv _; vঞѴѴ _-v rѴ;m| |o Ѵ;-umķ u;=;uubm] |o his own game as a “work in progress”. ľ |Ľv -0o| hmobm] _;m |o v_o |_-| Y-bu -m7 when to pull the trigger, but also about managing |_; |;-l -v ;ѴѴķĿ _; ;rѴ-bmvĺ ľ Ľl mo| _;u; m;;7 |o 0; 0| Ľl 1;u|-bmѴ om |_; |u-1hĺ v - |;-l ; 7b7mĽ| _-; l1_ ঞl; b|_ -m Ő 1 -uѴ-m7ő -| |_; v|-u| o= |_; v;-vom vo |_bmh ;Ľ; ]u-vr;7 b| ru; ;ѴѴĺ $_;u;Ľv rѴ;m| o= ]uo|_ =ou v vঞѴѴ bm ou ]-l; 0| ;Ľu; v;;bm] improvements week on week, and if we can 1omvbv|;m|Ѵ h;;r 7obm] |_-| ;ĽѴѴ 0; bm - ru; good spot come the business end. ľ ;u ]-l; mo bv - 1r Cm-ѴķĿ _; 1om1Ѵ7;vĺ “We need to win them all. Where you want to be at this stage is in with the chance of playing rѴ-Ŋo@ u]0 ŋ |_-| -v ou -bl -| |_; v|-u| o= the season. ľ);ĽѴѴ _or; |o ];| - ]oo7 v|-u| |_bv ;;h;m7 -m7 0bѴ7 vol; lol;m|l =uol |_;u;ĺ );Ľu; rѴ;-v;7 |o 0; C]_ঞm] om -ѴѴ =uom|v 0| ; hmo the challenges that are ahead of us.”
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