Ulster Rugby v Southern Kings
coaching team and a playing group, how do you approach it? Do you l;mঞom b|ķ 7o o mo| l;mঞom it? But there is no hiding it, next
week is a big game. We have not been at that top table in uor; =ou C; ;-uvķ that is too many.
"But I think if we are looking at the big picture, this is a club that needs to be playing in the Champions Cup. As big as the game is next week, we need points in the league and I have been saying that. "We got 16 in our last four games thankfully and that has been great, but we need points in the league and we need to be playing Champions Cup rugby (next year). There is no point bm ];মm] |o |_; Cm-Ѵķ ou - v;lbŊCm-Ѵ ou 0;-ঞm] ;bmv|;u -m7 |_;m vѴb7bm] down the PRO14 and not making the Champions Cup for next season. "That is not what this club is all about. Every game is a big game for the rest of the season."
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