Ulster Rugby v Southern Kings

channel it and make sure that you are primed to come on if you’re on the bench waiting. Or, if you’re not involved at all and just watching the game then you’ve got to make sure the next time you get an opportunity to train you train as hard as you can, contribute as much to the group and hopefully that’s recognised by the coaches and you’ll get your opportunity.” Southern Kings joined the PRO14 competition at the start of the season and have yet to win a match in the competition. They did however show strong signs of what they were capable during their last meeting with the Ulstermen in November 2017, something which Cave is aware of. “I don’t really like when you hear stats like ‘this team have never won here’, ‘this team have never won there’. All records are made to be broken. Southern Kings have played a lot of good rugby and yes, they haven’t won, but we know from being over there how dangerous they are and we know what they’re capable of. But we also know that when we focus on ourselves and we get our stuff right we’re a very good team as well and we can put teams under pressure. Hopefully tonight we’ll do that to them and come out on the right end of the score line.” With all attention now fixed on the PRO14, Cave is intent on showing the real challenge that Ulster Rugby can offer in the back end of the season. “The focus for us is just probably doing basics well. You change and tweak little bits and bobs week to week depending on who you are playing but the core of your game, the way you want to play and the parts of the game that add up to make you the team that you are, they don’t change. For us we just want a little bit more accuracy all over the park, try and get us some gain line, try and get us some quick ball and we’ve got loads of backs that can do a load of damage. “Personally I just want to play as much as I can and contribute as much as I can to an Ulster team that ultimately is successful. I think it’s going to be a big ask from where we are but it still can be done. I’ve never been part of a team that’s won a league but that’s absolutely what I want and the more I can contribute to it the better, so everyday that’s my ultimate goal and we’ll work back from there.”



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