Ulster Rugby v Llanelli Scarlets


And a big hello to our new Junior Season Ticket Holders who -u; fobmbm] &! Ѵ†0 =ou |_; Cuv| ঞl; |_bv v;-vomĴ ); -u; Ѵoohbm] =ou‰-u7 |o ];মm] |o hmo‰ ‹o† -ѴѴĺ or;=†ѴѴ‹ ‹o† _-ˆ; _-7 - ]u;-| v†ll;u ‰b|_ Ѵo|v o= ;Š1bঞm] -7ˆ;m|†u;vĵ )_bѴ; ‹o† _-ˆ; 0;;m o@ om _oѴb7-‹vķ ‰; _-ˆ; 0;;m ou]-mbvbm] Ѵo|v o= 1ooѴ 1olr;ঞঞomv ‰_b1_ ‰bѴѴ 0; 1olbm] ‹o†u ‰-‹ |_bv v;-vomĺ For all our new Junior Season Ticket Holders who may not be aware of OUR Ѵ†0 -m7 ‰_-| ]o;v omķ _;u; bv -ѴѴ |_; bm=oul-ঞom ‹o† m;;7Ĺ » &! Ѵ†0 bv |_; L1b-Ѵ †mbou "†rrou|;uv Ѵ†0 =ou |_; &Ѵv|;u !†]0‹ |;-l » It is free to join for all Junior Season Ticket Holders » &! †-u|;u bv o†u _ol;Ĵ | bv - v-=;ķ =-lbѴ‹Ŋ=ub;m7Ѵ‹ 7;vb]m-|;7 -u;- which is open pre-match for all members to call in and meet players, enter 1olr;ঞঞomv -m7 ]u-0 vol; l;u1_-m7bv;ĺ » &! †-u|;u bv Ѵo1-|;7 om |_; ub]_|Ŋ_-m7 vb7; o= |_; ;-7 L1; †bѴ7bm]ķ m;Š| |o !;1;rঞomĺ » ˆ;u‹ ঞl; -m &! Ѵ†0 l;l0;u ;l-bѴv bm - rb1|†u;ķ ou 1olrѴ;|;v - r†ŒŒѴ; ou 1olr;ঞঞom |_;‹ ‰bѴѴ ;-um &! Ѵ†0 robm|vĺ » obm|v ;t†-Ѵ ;Š1Ѵ†vbˆ; rubŒ;v -m7 &Ѵv|;u !†]0‹ ;Šr;ub;m1;v |_-| lom;‹ 1-mĽ| 0†‹Ĵ » To get yourself on the OUR Club Leaderboard send us » A match night picture ƑƔ robm|v ĸ v;ѴC; ‰b|_ - rѴ-‹;u ƔƏ robm|v ; Complete a match night r†ŒŒѴ; ƐƏƏ robm|v . These points are collated at the end of each match and robm|v -u; |-ѴѴb;7 -| _ubv|l-v -m7 -| |_; ;m7 o= |_; v;-vom Ŋ ;Š1Ѵ†vbˆ; rubŒ;v are then awarded to the top 30 points scorers. uor bm -m7 v;; †v |_bv ;ˆ;mbm] =ou lou; bm=oul-ঞomĴ ); _or; ‹o† ;mfo‹ |_; "1-uѴ;|v l-|1_ķ 7omĽ| =ou];| |o 1_;;u u;-ѴѴ‹ Ѵo†7 vo |_; rѴ-‹;uv 1-m _;-u ‹o† -m7 -v -Ѵ‰-‹v "$ & ! $ & "$ ! Ĵ



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