Ulster Rugby v Cardiff Blues

ULSTER RUGBY / INCLUDE YOUTH CHRISTMAS PRESENT APPEAL "_-u; ‹o†u =;vঞˆ; 1_;;u ‰b|_ - ‹o†m] r;uvom bm 1-u; |_bv _ubv|l-v 0‹ 7om-ঞm] -m †m‰u-rr;7 ]b[ |o &Ѵv|;u !†]0‹Ľv _ubv|l-v u;v;m| rr;-Ѵĺ

For children and young people living in care or away from their families, Christmas can be quite 7bL1†Ѵ| -m7 |_;‹ o[;m lbvv o†| om u;1;bˆbm] ]b[vĺ "o &Ѵv|;u !†]0‹ _-v om1; -]-bm |;-l;7 up with Include Youth to ensure that they have something under the tree this Christmas. &Ѵv|;u v†rrou|;uv -‚;m7bm] |_; _ol; l-|1_;v ˆ;uv†v -u7b@ |o7-‹ ou "1-uѴ;|v Ő ub7-‹ 14th December) are encouraged to buy an †m‰u-rr;7 ]b[ =ou - ‹o†m] r;uvom bm 1-u; -m7 0ubm] b| -Ѵom] ‰b|_ |_;lĺ om-ঞomv o= _ubv|l-v ru;v;m|v 1-m 0; l-7; bm |_; l-bm !;1;rঞom building at Kingspan Stadium (opposite the ;loub-Ѵ "|-m7ő 0;=ou;ķ 7†ubm] ou -[;u ;-1_ game. = ‹o† -u; †m-0Ѵ; |o -‚;m7 |_;v; l-|1_ mb]_|v ‹o† 1-m vঞѴѴ r-uঞ1br-|; bm |_bv ‰ou|_‹ 1-†v; 0‹ 7uorrbm] ‹o†u †m‰u-rr;7 ]b[ bm|o |_; l-bm !;1;rঞom 0†bѴ7bm] -| bm]vr-m "|-7b†lķ between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, up †mঞѴ ub7-‹ ƐƓ|_ ;1;l0;uĺ Paddy Mooney, Director at Include Youth, said: ľ ˆ;u‹ ‹;-u v|-@ -| m1Ѵ†7; +o†|_ ou]-mbv; a Christmas party for all the young people involved in our projects, which usually involves a dinner followed by lots of fun and games. “Following the huge success of last year’s Christmas Present Appeal, we are once again asking Ulster Rugby’s generous fan base to buy -m ;Š|u- ]b[ =ou - |;;m-];u ou ‹o†m] -7†Ѵ| bm order to help us ensure that each young person has something to open on Christmas morning. “To get involved, simply buy a present suitable for a young person aged 16-24 years, valued at £10-£15 and bring it along to one of the matches before Christmas.” &Ѵv|;u !†]0‹ u;vb7;m|ķ "|;r_;m ѴѴbo‚ķ -77;7Ĺ ľ$_; =-m|-vঞ1 ‰ouh o= m1Ѵ†7; +o†|_ bv r-uঞ1†Ѵ-uѴ‹ rob]m-m| -| _ubv|l-v ঞl; ‰_;m =;;Ѵbm]v o= bvoѴ-ঞom 1-m 0; ‰ouv| =ou |_ov; ‰_o don’t have families around them. We encourage -ѴѴ =-mv |o 1omvb7;u ];মm] bmˆoѴˆ;7 bm |_bv ˆ;u‹ ‰ou|_‰_bѴ; 1-†v; -m7 _;Ѵr †v 0ubm] - Ѵb‚Ѵ; =;vঞˆ; fo‹ |o ‹o†m] r;orѴ; bm 1-u; |_bv ‰bm|;uĺ Thank you in advance for your support.”

GIFT SUGGESTIONS: » Toiletries (no sharp objects) » om=;1ঞom-u‹ » Pyjamas/Nightwear » Slippers » Socks » Vouchers » Hats/Gloves » Earphones/Portable chargers GIFTS SHOULD BE: » Unwrapped » Suitable for a male or female aged 16 to 24 years » Be valued from £10 to £15

m1Ѵ†7; +o†|_ v†rrou|v -rruoŠbl-|;Ѵ‹ 500 young people every year, who are in or leaving care or from disadvantaged vb|†-ঞomvķ |_uo†]_ ;lrѴo‹-0bѴb|‹ ruof;1|v ;-1_ ‹;-uĺ m1Ѵ†7; +o†|_ _-v vbŠ oL1;v bm ;Ѵ=-v|ķ Ards, Armagh, Omagh, Derry and -ѴѴ‹l;m-ĺ -m‹ o= m1Ѵ†7; +o†|_Ľv ruof;1|v -u; delivered in partnership with the health and social care trusts, community-based ‹o†|_ ou]-mbv-ঞomv -m7 u;vromvb0Ѵ; 0†vbm;vv 1_-ubঞ;vĺ ou lou; bm=oul-ঞom om |_; ou]-mbv-ঞom rѴ;-v; ˆbvb| www.includeyouth.org or follow Include Youth on Facebook and $‰b‚;u ŐŠ m1Ѵ†7;‹o†|_őĺ



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