The Craigavad 2022 Review

| Foreword |

| The Captain’s Report |

The President’s Foreword

The Captain’s Report

Dear Member

The Gentlemen's Barton Shield side reached the semi-finals of the Ulster South section, whilst the B&D squad were knocked out in the quarter-finals and the JB Carr team were the County Down champions before losing out to Dunmurry in the semi-final of the Ulster section. The Ladies' Junior Cup and Senior Foursomes sides were both beaten in the final of their respective Ulster South sections. Pride of place goes to the Junior Section with the boys winning the final of the All Ireland Junior Foursomes competition which was staged at Ballina. They did this without Finlay Eager who on a personal level had a phenomenal season. At the age of 14 he won both the Ulster Boys Under-16 Open and Closed competitions and was runner-up in the Irish Open Under-16 trophy. He was selected for the Ulster Boys and Irish Boys Under-16 teams and received the 2022 Ulster Order of Merit Award for Under-16 Boys at the Regional AGM. Max Carson also won honours with the Ulster Boys Under-18 side. All this bodes well for the Club in future Golf Ireland competitions. It was a pleasure to support the various teams this year even if their success meant clocking up a few more miles than previous Captains have been accustomed. The boys made the four hour trip to Ballina well worthwhile. All the captains and match managers at Senior and Junior level are deserving of our thanks for their dedicated work, as are the players for their commitment, which combination is so important for the success of our teams. The Junior Section has maintained its numbers although it would be good to have a few more older girls playing regularly. Thanks are due to David Barnes and Ashley Brand as Junior Convenors along with the many parents for their work. I congratulate our Junior Captains, Ben Miller and Ruby Rebbeck on their year which culminated in a thoroughly enjoyable Junior Captains' Day attended by the President, Lady Captain and myself. It was the Club's turn to host the Veterans' Belfast and District League this year and our thanks are due

we played a full programme of Club competitions, Inter-Club matches and Golf Ireland competitions. The Clubhouse was open allowing us to enjoy the social benefits of the Club to the full. After many years of franchising the catering the Club took over the provision of food as well as the bar which allowed us more flexibility and we are grateful to Stuart Thom and Tracey Preshaw for overseeing this transition so effectively. I think it is fair to say that the standard of food and service is as good as it has ever been and our loyal kitchen and house staff are to be complimented for their high standards and friendly service – a feature commented upon regularly by visitors. Members are aware that staff resources are stretched and appreciate all the more the service they provide. Happily we resumed the Inter-Club matches which have been a feature of our Club and sets it apart from many others. It is so important to continue these matches for they allow us to forge and maintain special bonds with other similar clubs. During the course of the season we welcomed The MCC Golf Society, Royal Dublin GC, Royal Portrush GC, Royal Burgess Golfing Society and the RAC. We travelled for matches with Glasgow GC, Royal Aberdeen GC and Helen's Bay GC. Our Ladies Committee travelled for the annual match with their RAC counterparts. We also entertained groups from Royal Montreal GC and Durban Country Club. I'm pleased to report that the match with Glasgow GC is now an annual fixture and we have agreed to have reciprocal rights entitling our Members, inter alia, to avail of their two courses, Killermont at Bearsden in Glasgow and Glasgow Gailes near Irvine. All the matches were blessed with good weather and great fun was had by the large number of our Members who participated. Our thanks are due to all the match managers for their planning and organisation. The Members approached the Golf Ireland competitions with renewed enthusiasm and there was a measure of success throughout the Club.

With everything crossed we headed into the 2022 season with considerable expectations, and we were not to be disappointed. The weekly competitions returned as normal as did the Inter-Club matches and as usual the ladies teams did us proud with special mention to the Junior Cup and Senior Foursomes reaching the Regional Finals. Congratulations also to the Junior boys on becoming the All Ireland Foursomes Champions. Summer and winter friendlies were enjoyed by all and in September we were delighted to return to Woodcote for our annual match against the ladies of the RAC. It is fantastic to see the Wednesday evening bridge resuming after a long layoff and with the commencement of I t is hard to believe the season is now drawing to a close as we compete enthusiastically for the remaining turkeys. As I write however the sun is shining from a cloudless sky and the temperature outside mimics a mid summer day. The grass is still very green and growing but the trees have sadly lost much of their autumnal splendour falling victims to intermittent heavy rain and strong winds. We must all be concerned that this is indeed a sign of climate change and that the situation will not remain static. It is hard to believe that there was a time not so long ago when the greens froze in winter. On a more optimistic note, the year started with the return of the Gentlemen’s Annual Dinner. It was very well supported and enjoyed both by Members and guests but not surprisingly was followed by a small peak in Covid infections. The infections however were generally

Congratulations are also due to Jamie McMinnis, their captain, and to the reserves Ben Miller and Rory Adamson for their wholehearted support. In all the Club remains a wonderful venue not only to enjoy a game of golf but also to socialise with family and friends where our needs will be appropriately catered for by our loyal and friendly staff.

classes for beginners and intermediate players on Tuesday evenings and Yoga on Thursdays there should be quite a buzz in the Clubhouse in early 2023. The Horizons Series was once again a very popular addition to our winter programme and all the Christmas carveries were booked out well in advance and our thanks go to our small band of dedicated and friendly staff who not only worked tirelessly over this period but throughout the year. Thank you to Gail Cairns and her flower helpers for keeping our Club so beautifully decorated all year and the festive display enjoyed by everyone. The new Cecily Gibson roses are now relocated at the front of the Clubhouse thanks to the work of Philippa Crone. We now look forward to 2023 and wish everyone a very happy season. mild undoubtedly due to the mutation of the virus to a less virulent form and to the widespread vaccination program from which we have all benefitted. For the same reason all weekly competitions returned to normal as did the ever popular Club friendly matches against not only clubs in Ireland but also in both England and Scotland. Locally the Club competed well in Inter-Club matches in all categories of the Membership. These successes will be recorded elsewhere in the magazine but pride of place must go to the Juniors for their success in the All Ireland Foursomes at Ballina. They beat firstly Ballybunion and then the following day Stackstown before overcoming Castlebar in a very tight match in the final. It was a memorable two days for the Club and Phyllis and I felt very privileged to be present. Many congratulations are due to the team where Max Carson partnered Ben Woods and Archie McMinnis partnered Louis Napier. All their play was outstanding and their on course demeanour a credit to our Club.

W elcome to The from the suffocating restrictions of Covid. The early months still saw numbers attending events such as the AGM and the Annual Dinner affected adversely, either as a result of an increasing number of Members stricken with Covid or being apprehensive about venturing out into crowded rooms. Nevertheless, in contrast to 2021, we held the AGM in person and the Annual Dinner went ahead with a very successful evening enjoyed by Members of all generations along with a full complement of guests invited from Golf Ireland and other clubs. It was a year when in September we recorded, with great sadness, the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the only monarch whom most of us will have experienced. The Club marked the event by closing the day after the death was announced and on the day of the funeral along with the flying of the Union flag and the Club flag according to protocol. I was honoured to be invited to attend a Service of Reflection at St Anne's Cathedral along with the the Lady Captain in the presence of the King and Queen Consort. By the time we reached the golfing season normality had returned and Craigavad and Review of 2022. It was the year when we finally emerged

Michael Park President

A word from the Lady President...

Terry Crothers Lady President

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