The Craigavad 2022 Review

Fuelling the Future Our journey to zero carbon

| Golf Ireland Inter-Club Competitions | | Gentlemen’s Golf |

Holt Shield

by Rob Haldane

Households can displace up to 48% of their home energy carbon emissions by switching to a highly efficient gas boiler today. 1

The 2022 Holt Shield team set out to play against the opposition of Knock, Larne and the 2021 winners, Cairndhu. The weather experienced throughout our matches were as expected of a Northern Irish summer; sun, rain and somewhere between 10 to 25 degrees celsius. This year’s results unfortunately didn’t go the way of Royal Belfast, however what can be said is that each Member thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to play new courses against tough opposition. A special mention must be made to all Royal Belfast staff. Throughout each of the home games, the opposition

were extremely complimentary of the beautiful scenery, the condition of the course and the warm welcome received by the bar and restaurant team. I would personally like to thank every player for their efforts, the Captain and for all Members who attended both matches home and away. Your support was greatly appreciated.



Home Away Result Home Away Result Home Away Result




2½ 4½






2½ 3½



THE 2022 HOLT SHIELD TEAM Malcolm Ditty, David Barnes, David Cunningham, Mark Adamson, Stan Craigs, Blake Cushnie Team Manager: Rob Haldane

1 1 2

2 2 4

2 The gas network will increasingly distribute renewable gas solutions such as biomethane and green hydrogen.

Gentlemen’s Golf


Royal Belfast v Durban Divots

by Graham Crothers

3 Biomethane is

and Janet Stewart were welcomed as part of the Royal Durban Centenary celebrations. Similarly in 2017 Norman and Louise Beggs with David and Louise Malseed attended during the Royal Durban ‘125’. Several other touring groups from Royal Belfast have been welcomed there over the years. The ’Divots’ were a talented group of sportsmen. Their leader Alistair Forbes had won the Malawi Amateur. The party also included a SA cricket international and a SA hockey international as well as our own Honorary Member Gavin Caldwell, the former Captain of The R&A and recent President of Portmarnock. An excellent lunch ensued followed by four fourball matches. As many Royal Belfast golf reports finish.. ‘a closely contested match was played in excellent spirits and resulted in a narrow defeat for the home team’. The Divots have asked me to report that a warm welcome awaits any Royal Belfast Member who visits to play at the Durban Country Club.

produced using existing agricultural waste and can be injected into our gas network.

4 In NI we are well placed to produce green hydrogen which is a renewable alternative to natural gas.

5 By 2050 our goal is for all natural gas to be entirely replaced by renewable gas solutions.

On 23rd August we received a visit from the Durban Divots. They are a group of senior golfers based at Durban Country Club. This, the most prestigious club in Natal, has a superb golf course having hosted the South Africa Open on several occasions.

The tour party schedule was testing and included Portmarnock, Royal County Down, Royal Portrush and Muirfield. Durban Country Club has welcomed Royal Belfast Members over the years. Rusty and Denise Adamson with John

16 the c r a i g a v a d

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