The Craigavad 2022 Review

| The Captain’s Prize |

How’s Business? Needing to control costs while still caring for your team? More than ever, businesses are needing to control their costs while also helping their team access benefits to improve health & wellbeing. As an expert healthcare broker, Cransford can ensure that a business has the most cost effective cover in place, whether a scheme is being renewed or set-up for the first time. Why not get in touch today to find out how we can help?

Andrew Ruding, Elliot Davis, the Captain, Adam Lockhart and Tom Wilson

Huw Worthington


Cransford clients benefit from discounted rates on all Bupa Health Assessments

John Taggart, Andrew Wilson and Alastair Todd

Free of charge advice & market reviews

028 9073 5208

Gordon Greenfield

Archie McMinnis, Finlay Eager, the Captain, Kyle Paradis and Harry Templeton

Peter Murray tees off the 1st

10 the c r a i g a v a d

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