The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023

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Wallacepupils are encouraged tounderstand the links between ahealthymindandahealthy body. Mindful of thepositive impact of sport inbuildingboth self-esteemand teamspiritwe encourageour pupils to take part inboth individual and team events.We are immenselyproud of the commitment of our staff to sports inWallace; our specialist PE teachers are supported

by teachers froma rangeof departmentswithin the school andby specialist external coaches whohave a long-standing link to the school. The successes of somany of our former pupils at provincial and international level are a sourceof constant inspiration. Ourmajority sports are rugby, hockey (boys andgirls), netball, badmintonand cricket but there are alsoopportunities tobecome involved inathletics, the equestrian team, golf, judo, swimming and tennis at both teamand individual levels. Our coaches are committed to all our teams andgain immense satisfaction fromseeingpupils develop their confidence and skills. Teamgames are thebackbone of sporting activity inall schools but, inkeepingwithour aims of celebrating success, our school socialmediaprovides up-to date information in individual sports. Lisburncanbeproudof

the achievements, commitment andenthusiasmof somany young people ingymnastics, judoand martial arts. OurHonoursBoards andphoto gallerydemonstrateour passion for participationand success; wehope they inspire young visitors inparticular to commit themselves to thedisciplines of competitionand training aswe


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