The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023

A Culture of

There is adifferencebetween surviving and thriving. At Wallacewewant our pupils to thrive andwebelieve that pupils who thrive arepupilswhoare happy and secure, invigorated by the school environment. Our school was foundedby a famous philanthropistwhose legacy to Lisburn is incalculable. Desiring tohonour our founder’s spirit webelieve thatwe all have a responsibility toplay a full and activepart in society.We are conscious that the attitudes pupils developandholdat this stagewill remainwith themthroughout adulthoodandwe aimto foster a culture inwhichour pupils appreciate their responsibility toeachother and to society at large.We encourage tolerance, mutual respect anda senseof

familywhere the aspirations, enthusiasms andneeds of each familymember canbe acknowledgedand supported. Our school systems arebuilt aroundour desire to foster close bonds andnetworks. Our pupils are supported ineachYearGroup by aHeadof Year andanAssistant Headof Year, a level of pastoral support unequalled in themajority of schools. During the current school year our pupils are gaining much fromtheopportunity to spendmore extended timewith their Class Tutor eachweek which is enablingon-going pastoral support at an immediate and informal level. The school provides access to counselling services for pupilswhomay be inneedof additional emotional

or psychological support andour school nurses are an invaluable means of complementary support toourHeads of Year providing excellent insights intopotential needs or problems. As theCovid-19 pandemichas impacted levels of anxiety inyoungpeoplewe have striven to respondflexibly withour counsellors providing drop-in slots andour pastoral staffproviding excellent resources drawn fromawide rangeof charities and support agencies. Our school Houses allow intra year activities toflourishand theusuallyhigh level of pupil participation in sports creates natural opportunities for coaching andmentoring. Charitable activities are central to school life inWallaceprovidingpupilswith


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