The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023


Dr JamiePow

JamiewasDeputy HeadBoyatWallace in2009-2010. Currently lecturing atQueen’sUniversity Belfast (Historyand Politics) Jamiewas the Guest Speaker at Senior PrizeDay, our first in threeyears. “I don’t keepall theUCAS references Iwrite, but Jamie’swas one I didkeep, suchwas thedepth andbreadthof theexperienceshe enjoyedat school.” Jamie excelledatWallace achievingbrilliant GCSE and A level results but he alsodistinguishedhimself by the variety of activities he was involved inas apupil. He competed in theWorldWide Quiz fromYear 9andwas privileged to represent theUnited Kingdomin the competition. As Introducing Jamie thePrincipal noted:

amember of theEuropeanYouth Parliament team, hewon the Northern Ireland regional final demonstrating “anadvanced level of oral communication, teamwork and leadership skills.”He also participated in that gruelling test of character otherwise known as theGold level of theDukeof Edinburgh’sAwardScheme. Jamie is probably the youngest ever speaker at aSenior Prize Day andhis address didnot disappoint. Some excerpts give a helpful insight into itsflavour. “Forme, it didn’t take too long to learnapretty big lesson: how todeal with thingswhenPlanA doesn’tworkout. I’ll behonest, at school, Iwas used to things going fairlywell… I knewthat it was important tohave aplan, and it seemed tobe the case that workinghard led to that plan workingout. Until thatwasn’t the case. After I leftWallace, Iwas excited tobeheading touniversity inLondon. Iwent on to study International Relations at the LondonSchool of Economics,

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