The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023

EDUCATIONAL EVIDENCE Evidenceof the applicant’s academic capacitymay be demonstratedby theprovisionof information suchas: • the results of any standardised tests inEnglishand Mathematics conducted inP5, P6andP7; • copies of school reports for P5, P6andP7; • the attainments of the applicant by comparisonwithother pupils in the class group; • records of strengths or weaknesses in the applicant’s performance either generally or in specific subject areas in comparisonwithother pupils in the class group; • aneducational psychologist’s report. TheAdmissionsCommittee of theBoardof Governorswill consider the application for Special Circumstances. WhereSpecial Circumstances are accepted, the AdmissionsCommitteeof the Boardof Governorswill determine, on thebasis of the information available, aBand for the child. Such childrenwill thenbe considered withall other childrenwhohave appliedand the admissions criteria applied. SPECIAL PROVISION Parents canapply for Special Provision in respect of: i) Childrenwhoseparentswish themto transfer fromschools outsideNorthern Ireland. ii) Childrenwhohave received more thanhalf their primary educationoutsideNorthern Ireland. iii) Children, entered for theCEA and/orGLA, whobecause of unforeseenand serious medical or other problems wereunable toparticipate in any of the assessments. Note: It isexpectedthatall those seekingadmissionshouldsit the CEAand/orGLA,withtheexception

considered. ABandwill thenbe assigned.

of thosechildrenwhotakeup residence inNorthernIrelandafter September2022. Parentswhowishtoapply to the School underSpecial Provision shouldstate theprecisereason why theybelieve thechild iseligible for considerationunderSpecial Provisionandprovideappropriate independent documentary evidence. All relevant documentary evidenceshouldbe includedwith theTransferapplication. consider theapplicationforSpecial Provision.WhereSpecial Provision isaccepted, the followingprocedure will apply: theAdmissionsCommitteeof the BoardofGovernorswill considerany assessment information, including thechild’sscore intheCEAand/or GLA, if completed; Pleasenote: It isrecognisedthat someparents may feel that their child’scase falls intomore thanoneof the abovecategories. Inthis instance, all evidencewithintherelevant categoriesshouldbeappended. If anapplication is acceptedby the AdmissionsCommittee asmeeting the criteria for (1) Special Provision and (2) Special Circumstances, it will be treatedas follows: SPECIAL PROVISION If the applicationmeets one ormoreof the three criteria as set out at Special Provision above, Educational Evidence (as definedaboveunder theheading Educational Evidence) will be TheAdmissionsCommittee of theBoardofGovernorswill theAdmissionsCommitteeof the BoardofGovernorswill determine, onthebasisofall available assessment information, an appropriateBandfor thechild. The childwill thenbeconsideredwithall other childrenwhohaveappliedand theadmissionscriteriaapplied.

SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES In respect of a further considerationof Special Circumstances as outlined above, Special Circumstances must be contemporaneous to the child sitting theCEAand/ orGLA tests. Anadditional considerationof the already assignedBand throughSpecial Provisionwill not be considered unless there is contemporaneous evidence, which shows that all the educational evidenceprovided has been impactedby these Special Circumstances. If aSpecial Circumstances application ismade in respect of amatter that has affectedonly oneof the threeAQE tests, theAdmissionsCommittee will take intoaccount the fact that the final AQE score is basedon the best two scoreswhich thepupil achieved in the three tests. It is therefore, in respect of anapplication for both Special ProvisionandSpecial Circumstances, the responsibility of theparents toprovide Educational Evidence (as defined TheAdmissionsCommitteeof theBoardof Governorswill not adjust aBand solely on thebasis of statementsmadebut not supportedby evidence. The InformationCommissioner’s contains guidance for parentswith regard to howtoaccess informationheldby schools in relation to their child. It is theresponsibilityof the parents toattachtherequested information. DUTY TO VERIFY TheAdmissionsCommitteeof theBoardof Governors reserves the right to require additional informationor evidence, for aboveunder theheading Educational Evidence).


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