The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023
GIFTED AND TALENTED As a selective school we acknowledge thatwithinour school family are thosewhose abilities are so remarkable that theyneedadditional enrichment activities. GiftedandTalented pupils are recognisedas a group withinSpecial Educational Needs (SEN) andour commitment to themis shownby our provision of aGiftedandTalentedCo ordinator,MrNealMcKnight, whoworks inclose co-operation with fellowSenior Teacher/ SENCoMissHeatherGracey and Heads of Department.Wehave awell-established relationship withVilliers Park andmany of our studentswhoattendoneof these residentials proceed toOxbridge applications. Our provision is not solely at KeyStage 5 as every
enjoyedgreat success inanumber of competitions andBiologyweek is a real crowdpleaser. TheWallaceScholars programme offers pupils online access to awide rangeof stimulating activities and resources and wehave anever-increasing number of activities connected todepartmentswhichprovide extensionand stimulus. Critical Thinking is anewcluboffered this year andwe areparticipating in theBarMockTrial competition. Our public speaking teamwas to haveparticipated in thenational UK finals but this sadlywas cancelled.Wehave continued toexcel incompetitions: GraceSheridan inYear 14was highly commended in theUK wideAntheaBell translation competitionorganisedby an Oxforduniversity college; our Year 11 biologistswere among the40,000whoentered the BiologyChallengeorganised by theRoyal Society of Biology. Weweredelighted tohave 15 students commended, 13highly commended, 6bronzemedalists, 6 silvermedalists andRyan Bolandwas awardedoneof the highly covetedgoldmedals. In theMathematics departmentwe have continued toenjoy success inelite competitionswith teams supportedbyMrs Elliott.
effort ismade tooffer interesting enrichment activities inbothKey Stage 3 andKeyStage4 through competitions, courses andonline extensionmaterials andactivities. TheEntwinedHistories Project continues tobe anenriching exampleof anextensionactivity, theGeographyDepartment has
IT The school’s reputation for excellence in Information
Technologyhas been recognised by anational award; theDigital Schools’ Award. Headedby the school’s IT co-ordinator, Dr JaneMcMath, a teamof staff
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