The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023



heorganised two full scale ambulances tooperateduring the siege; onewas to serve French wounded, the second ‘for the benefit of sick anddestitute Britons.’ By the endof theSiege of Paris itwas estimatedhehad privately contributedasmuchas 2.5million francs to thepoor and needy of the city. He received the Légiond’honneur for his efforts. In 1872hedonated50drinking fountains, whichbear thename Wallace, toParis and toLisburn and some can still be seen today.

websitewill knowof our legacy charity, theCancer Fund for Children. Our current total raised for the fund is inexcess of £170,000and the charity finished in the top spot at theHousequizzes netting 50%of the funds raised. During the last yearwehave raised funds for awide range of charitieswhilst sustaining our commitment to theCancer Fund for Children, theSalvation ArmyChristmasAppeal and the SimonCommunity. Asignificant percentageof our staffdonate to these charities eachmonthvia a salarydonation scheme.

Charity isat theveryheart of Wallace life.Weareproud tostrive toemulateour founder’s ‘spirit of generosity.’ To someSir RichardWallace is knownbest as a lover of fine art as his decision todonate ‘a vast assemblageof fine and decorative art’ has beendescribed by thedistinguishedart critic RichardDorment as “surely one of themost significant acts of philanthropy inBritishhistory.” Evenmore inspirational is the story of Sir Richard’s involvement in theSiegeof Pariswhen

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