The Wallace High School | Prospectus 2023
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Principal's WELCOME
What a difference a yearmakes! As OpenMorning approached in 2022wewere still in an era characterised by limitations and restrictions. Some of themost important and highly anticipated events of aWallace school year couldn’t happen at all or had to bemodified dramatically, leading to online versions of Christmas Pie, the Carol Service andOpen Morning itself. I am, therefore, delighted to anticipate our first “live” OpenMorning since 2020 and look forward towelcoming prospective pupils and parents. 2021-2022 can be viewed as a transitional year. When it began pupils were still wearing facemasks, rigorous enhanced cleaning schedules were in place, teachers taught in highly ventilated classrooms (open windows and doors were the norm) and therewas still a strong sense of confinement and limitation. As the year progressed advicewasmodified, facemasks vanished and school returned tomany of the rhythms of past years especially in the playing of competitive sport. Themost iconic competition in school sport inNorthern Ireland, the highly competitive semi-final at Kingspan and our teams in all years and sports enjoyed significant success coupledwith a new-found awareness of the sheer joy of the camaraderie of teamsports. Wewere especially delightedwhen our girls won the Cricket Schools’ Cup and hope Danske Bank Schools’ Cup, sawour 1st XVplaying in a
“ Iwant our youngpeople toknowthat theymatter, that theybelong.Sodon’t beafraid…don’t beafraid. Be focused.Bedetermined. Behopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourselveswithagoodeducation, thenget out thereanduse that education tobuildacountry worthyof your boundless promise.”
(Former First Lady, Michelle Obama, during her final speech as First Lady)
third of students achieved one ormore grade at A*. Fifty seven Year 14 students (over a third of the year group) attained a minimumof three A grades whilst a further twenty one students had aminimumof twoA grades. Six departments celebrated all students passing at A*-B grades at A2 level andmany departments reached a new record percentage (externally assessed) for the number of grades awarded at A and B at AS level. Wallace’s GCSE students also generated record-breaking results following the traumatic disruption of their studies by the Covid-19 pandemic. In a year group of 180 students, almost 60%of all grades achievedwere at A*/A and almost 90%of grades were at A*/B. The entire year group achieved the Inspectorate benchmarking standards. It would be both foolish and wrong to assume that we can easily forget the challenges brought by the pandemic as the impact of Covid 19will bewith us for years to come, a fact acknowledged by the examination bodies across theUnitedKingdomwho have measures in place such as the pre-release ofmaterial for 2023. The impact onmental health has been documented, explored and speculated upon (sometimes unhelpfully) but as a school we are confident that we have in
that this inspires girls, not just in Wallace but in our community, to embrace the game. Public examinations also returned and for the first time since the school year 2018 2019 students sat GCSE, AS andA2 examinations. The A2 students in particular faced a daunting challenge as they had not experienced an external examination since their AQE! As Principal I was confident that my teaching staffhadworked both creatively and tirelessly to prepare the students and that the students, in their turn, had challenged and stretched themselves. An impressive 53%of all grades awarded to our final year students were at A* andAwith former DeputyHeadGirl Elektra Epanomeritakis achieving a superb five A* grades. Over one
place robust pastoral support. All pupils, fromthe youngest in Year 8 to the oldest in Year 14, have substantial designated time set aside eachweek to ensure every young person has support. Under the dynamic leadership of Mrs Wendy Davisonwe have a pupil led and pupil centredWellness Committeewho have taken the initiative in engagingwith their peers in terms of promoting positivemental well-being. A significant number of staff members and senior students have completedmental health training and senior students facilitate drop-in sessions for juniors to chat and participate in activities. As youwill seewhen you visit the school, it is the proverbial “hive of activity”, with activities to suit everyone. WhilstWallace is well-known for sporting excellence, outstanding choirs
and impressive ICT, we like to think that we strive to provide the possibility of extra-curricular involvement for every pupil. Departments run clubs which reflect their subject content but offer a light-hearted creative element such as: songwriting in theMusic department; fizzing bath bombs in Chemistry; making European delicacies at theModern Languages club; the HorribleHistories clubwhere the name says it all!We have record numbers enrolled in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, our ScriptureUnion groups are thriving, our public speakers have excelled in competition and we genuinely try to support any request for a clubwhich reflects a niche interest. Our CORE values are commitment, opportunity, respect and excellence. Every Wallace pupil knows themand we pursue themas lived values not vague aspirations. In the aftermath of the pandemic we have a subsidiary set of values using the same initials: community, openness, resilience and empathy. We often refer to “ Joining theWallace family”
becausewe believewe offer our pupils a sense of belonging, identity andworthwhich they will carry for the rest of their lives. Our goal is individual excellence andwemake no apology for stressing that wewill challenge and stretch our pupils because we believe that is how they become empowered to reach their potential. The #MadeinWallace reflects our ethos, ourmindset and our philosophy. Education, in all its fullness, is whatmakes us.
Wewant tomakeWallacemen andwomenwho commit to our core values, who embrace the traditions of generositywhich undergird this school andwho will go out, like the generations ofWallace past pupils who have gone before, tomake a valuable contribution to their community and even thewider world. Within our current Year 13 cohort we have a teamof “Changemakers” working alongsideHabitat for Humanity; to be a “change maker” is an aspiration for every Wallace pupil.
A Culture of
There is adifferencebetween surviving and thriving. At Wallacewewant our pupils to thrive andwebelieve that pupils who thrive arepupilswhoare happy and secure, invigorated by the school environment. Our school was foundedby a famous philanthropistwhose legacy to Lisburn is incalculable. Desiring tohonour our founder’s spirit webelieve thatwe all have a responsibility toplay a full and activepart in society.We are conscious that the attitudes pupils developandholdat this stagewill remainwith themthroughout adulthoodandwe aimto foster a culture inwhichour pupils appreciate their responsibility toeachother and to society at large.We encourage tolerance, mutual respect anda senseof
familywhere the aspirations, enthusiasms andneeds of each familymember canbe acknowledgedand supported. Our school systems arebuilt aroundour desire to foster close bonds andnetworks. Our pupils are supported ineachYearGroup by aHeadof Year andanAssistant Headof Year, a level of pastoral support unequalled in themajority of schools. During the current school year our pupils are gaining much fromtheopportunity to spendmore extended timewith their Class Tutor eachweek which is enablingon-going pastoral support at an immediate and informal level. The school provides access to counselling services for pupilswhomay be inneedof additional emotional
or psychological support andour school nurses are an invaluable means of complementary support toourHeads of Year providing excellent insights intopotential needs or problems. As theCovid-19 pandemichas impacted levels of anxiety inyoungpeoplewe have striven to respondflexibly withour counsellors providing drop-in slots andour pastoral staffproviding excellent resources drawn fromawide rangeof charities and support agencies. Our school Houses allow intra year activities toflourishand theusuallyhigh level of pupil participation in sports creates natural opportunities for coaching andmentoring. Charitable activities are central to school life inWallaceprovidingpupilswith
regular opportunities to reflect upon their ownprivilegedposition and to support others bothat home andabroad. At the coreof our school is the belief in the importanceof the individual.We are committed to providing a school community where individuals are empowered to reach their ownpotential andalso findpleasure in seeing others reach their goals. Courtesy, co-operationand compassion represent a core triadof values whichunderpinWallace life.
A S trong
Wallacepupils are encouraged tounderstand the links between ahealthymindandahealthy body. Mindful of thepositive impact of sport inbuildingboth self-esteemand teamspiritwe encourageour pupils to take part inboth individual and team events.We are immenselyproud of the commitment of our staff to sports inWallace; our specialist PE teachers are supported
by teachers froma rangeof departmentswithin the school andby specialist external coaches whohave a long-standing link to the school. The successes of somany of our former pupils at provincial and international level are a sourceof constant inspiration. Ourmajority sports are rugby, hockey (boys andgirls), netball, badmintonand cricket but there are alsoopportunities tobecome involved inathletics, the equestrian team, golf, judo, swimming and tennis at both teamand individual levels. Our coaches are committed to all our teams andgain immense satisfaction fromseeingpupils develop their confidence and skills. Teamgames are thebackbone of sporting activity inall schools but, inkeepingwithour aims of celebrating success, our school socialmediaprovides up-to date information in individual sports. Lisburncanbeproudof
the achievements, commitment andenthusiasmof somany young people ingymnastics, judoand martial arts. OurHonoursBoards andphoto gallerydemonstrateour passion for participationand success; wehope they inspire young visitors inparticular to commit themselves to thedisciplines of competitionand training aswe
knowthe transferable valueof suchdisciplinedeffort.
2021-22 sawthe full returnof competitive sport at all levels andweweredelighted thatmany teams enjoyedgreat success. Particular highlights included ahard-fought semi-final in the DanskeBankSchools’ Cupat the Kingspan stadiumand victory for our girls in the final of the Cricket Schools’ Cup. TheBoys’ 1st XI hockeywere finalists in the McCulloughCup, theMedallion rugby sidewon theUlster Schools’ MedallionSevens competition and inAutumn2022, the school alsowon theDanskeBankU16 rugby cup. Individual pupils have excelled inathletics, football, gymnastics, swimming and trampolining.
AtWallacewebelieve in empoweringour pupils. The pupil voice is valuedatWallace. Webelieve that providing roles of responsibility for our young people inour communityhelps their confidence, develops skills for future life andengenders a spirit of loyalty to the school. invaluable introduction to the workings of democracy. Each class selects two representatives for aYear Council, chairedby theAssistantHeadof Year. Each of these councils elects twoof itsmembers to theExecutive Council chairedby theVice SCHOOL COUNCIL Our School Council is an
Principal (Pastoral); webelieve these formal procedures giveour pupils an invaluable insight into the factorswhichgoverndecision making at awhole school level. Year Councils are also supporting the LeadershipTeam’sworkby providing feedbackonproposed policies. SENIOR PREFECTS TheSenior Prefect Teamis comprisedof theHeadBoy, HeadGirl and their deputies. TheSenior Prefect Teamusually meets onaweekly basiswith theSeniorManagement of the school and forms a key layer of communicationbetween staff andpupils. They organiseduty
rotas for theprefects, support theworkof the school at events andact as ambassadors and role models. During the ‘seasons of Covid-19’ they became seasoned mediaperformers andwe continue touseonline content as appropriate. PREFECTS Mr IanLatham, who is responsible for theprefects, has createdan innovativemodel for theprefects whoprovidedailypractical and administrative support to staff by completing a rangeof duties before, during andafter school ina rangeof locations around school. Eachprefect alsobelongs toadesignated teamfor example:
sport,music, iLeader, primary school liaison, pastoral support or charity. HOUSE CAPTAINS These youngpeople and their deputies lead theworkof the sixHouses inco-operation withMrsWendyDavisonand MrDavidSimpson. TheHouse systemseeks to support pupils ina complementary fashion to that of theYearGroupSystem as ourHouses engender a senseof belonging andhealthy competition. Incontrast tomost of the school’s activities and systemswhichareYear based, they activelypromote intra–year relationships creating a closely
knit school family.Wewere delighted to re-introduce the celebratedHouseQuizzeswhich sawanewcharitabledimension. Thepupilsmade adonation to dress inHouse colours and the funds raisedby the eventwere dividedbetween three charities whowere awarded50%, 30% and20%respectively. The winningHouseswere the “yellow” teamswhohad supportedour legacy charity, theCancer Fund for Children.
we shareour expectationswith TeamCaptains. TeamCaptains are encouraged to reflect upon the cultureof competitionandupon the responsibility of their role inguidingothers tounderstand what is expectedof teams representing the school week byweek.
SPORTS CAPTAINS As part of our focus on ‘The
WallaceWay’ ( bywhichwemean thedistinctiveway inwhichwe as a school communicateour ethos)
If Covid-19 limitedour horizons the summer of 2022 sawthem re-expandedwitha vengeance. Our LegoLeague team, who had triumphedat various levels of competition, had the great privilegeof travelling to compete in theWorldLegoLeague Championships. Naturally, such a trip is very expensive and the team, under the leadershipof
Mountain, theBotanical Gardens, theMuseumof Tomorrow ( an innovative sciencemuseum) and the cathedral. Our ski trip to theUSA is scheduled for February 2023 and for thosewho like local travelswehave record-breaking numbers involved in theDukeof Edinburgh’sAwardScheme.
Mr TimothyGibson, was soon engaged in fundraising activities. Wewere immensely grateful for the support of anumber of sponsorswhichmade the trip to the tournament inPierMaua viable. Someof thehighlights of Riowere: theSelaron steps, the iconic figureof Christ the Redeemer, TijucaNational Park, Copacabana, Sugarloaf
heorganised two full scale ambulances tooperateduring the siege; onewas to serve French wounded, the second ‘for the benefit of sick anddestitute Britons.’ By the endof theSiege of Paris itwas estimatedhehad privately contributedasmuchas 2.5million francs to thepoor and needy of the city. He received the Légiond’honneur for his efforts. In 1872hedonated50drinking fountains, whichbear thename Wallace, toParis and toLisburn and some can still be seen today.
websitewill knowof our legacy charity, theCancer Fund for Children. Our current total raised for the fund is inexcess of £170,000and the charity finished in the top spot at theHousequizzes netting 50%of the funds raised. During the last yearwehave raised funds for awide range of charitieswhilst sustaining our commitment to theCancer Fund for Children, theSalvation ArmyChristmasAppeal and the SimonCommunity. Asignificant percentageof our staffdonate to these charities eachmonthvia a salarydonation scheme.
Charity isat theveryheart of Wallace life.Weareproud tostrive toemulateour founder’s ‘spirit of generosity.’ To someSir RichardWallace is knownbest as a lover of fine art as his decision todonate ‘a vast assemblageof fine and decorative art’ has beendescribed by thedistinguishedart critic RichardDorment as “surely one of themost significant acts of philanthropy inBritishhistory.” Evenmore inspirational is the story of Sir Richard’s involvement in theSiegeof Pariswhen
Regular readers of our school
Whilstwedohave a ‘charity calendar’ which takes noteof annual collections suchas the PoppyAppeal, Children inNeed, theSalvationArmyChristmas Appeal and theGreat Daffodil Appeal we are alwayswilling to consider newcauses andare also keen to supportmedical charities whenwehave studentswho live withparticular conditions. Pancreatic cancer has beena cause close to the school’s heart since thedeaths of our former Senior Teacher (Mr BillWilson) andMrGaryCorkinwhohad close bonds to the school. Sadly, in late summer, our former colleagueMr PaddyHarrower alsodiedof this disease andwehavebeenpro active in raising funds forNIPANC. Year 9pupil, AaronCooke, spoke at the launchof amajor project which seesNIPANCpartnering withQueen’sUniversity, Belfast. Due to the suddendeathof our HeadofMaintenance,Mr Colin McCutcheon, inOctober 2022 wehavemadeChest, Heart and Stroke aparticular focus for our fundraising efforts. Human trafficking is alsoan issuewe take seriously andwehave enjoyedparticipating increative fundraising for Flourish, NI. To datewehaveheldanevening of sustainable fashion “Wallace Threads” and sold items ( donated by staff) onpopular platforms. Wehave alsobeendelighted thatHabitat forHumanityhas re-introduced itsChangeMakers programme andour teamof fourteenYear 13 students arehalf way to their fundraising target of £1200.
SEN SUPPORT We are conscious that pupils bring to school individual experiences, histories, interests and strengths which impact on their learning. Inplanning tomeet thesediverse needs, the school will encourage all pupils toappreciate and respect difference inothers, arising fromwhatever source. We recognise that some students will come toWallacewithaSEN whilst otherswill be identifiedas having suchaneedduring their timehere.We are committed to helpingpupils overcomebarriers to learning andassessment and ourmodel is an inclusiveone fostering a senseof integration, as all pupils are consistently involved in target setting exercises thus enablingpupils to set their own goals. Heads of Department are expected toprovidedepartmental policies, support and subject specific targets for SENpupils and
work inco-operationwithhis or her parents. Twoof our Senior Teachers,MissGracey andMr McKnight, are fully qualifiedas specialist assessor forAccess Arrangements and registered with theBritishPsychological Society. MrMcKnightworks primarilywithKeyStage 3 andGCSEpupils andMiss GraceywithA level students. Many of our teachers have voluntarily completedonline CPD (ContinuingProfessional Development) courses and anumber of our Classroom Assistants have engagedwith the CPDofferedby theMiddletown AutismCentre. Staff training remains apriority andall staffhave completed the excellent trainingprogrammeon ASDprovidedby theEducation Authority. Some staffare completing a further level of trainingonASDandall staff completed trainingondyslexia inAugust.Wehave anewfacility, the LearningSupportHub, which serves as aquiet space for students needing abrief ‘time out’ andas abaseboth for one to one support fromour Classroom Assistants and literacy support.
to liaisewithHeads of Year inmodifyingprovision for individual pupils.
The schoolmakes full useof the support services offeredby the EducationAuthority (EA) and external agencies, as appropriate. At all times, we strive tomaintain thedignity of thepupil and to
GIFTED AND TALENTED As a selective school we acknowledge thatwithinour school family are thosewhose abilities are so remarkable that theyneedadditional enrichment activities. GiftedandTalented pupils are recognisedas a group withinSpecial Educational Needs (SEN) andour commitment to themis shownby our provision of aGiftedandTalentedCo ordinator,MrNealMcKnight, whoworks inclose co-operation with fellowSenior Teacher/ SENCoMissHeatherGracey and Heads of Department.Wehave awell-established relationship withVilliers Park andmany of our studentswhoattendoneof these residentials proceed toOxbridge applications. Our provision is not solely at KeyStage 5 as every
enjoyedgreat success inanumber of competitions andBiologyweek is a real crowdpleaser. TheWallaceScholars programme offers pupils online access to awide rangeof stimulating activities and resources and wehave anever-increasing number of activities connected todepartmentswhichprovide extensionand stimulus. Critical Thinking is anewcluboffered this year andwe areparticipating in theBarMockTrial competition. Our public speaking teamwas to haveparticipated in thenational UK finals but this sadlywas cancelled.Wehave continued toexcel incompetitions: GraceSheridan inYear 14was highly commended in theUK wideAntheaBell translation competitionorganisedby an Oxforduniversity college; our Year 11 biologistswere among the40,000whoentered the BiologyChallengeorganised by theRoyal Society of Biology. Weweredelighted tohave 15 students commended, 13highly commended, 6bronzemedalists, 6 silvermedalists andRyan Bolandwas awardedoneof the highly covetedgoldmedals. In theMathematics departmentwe have continued toenjoy success inelite competitionswith teams supportedbyMrs Elliott.
effort ismade tooffer interesting enrichment activities inbothKey Stage 3 andKeyStage4 through competitions, courses andonline extensionmaterials andactivities. TheEntwinedHistories Project continues tobe anenriching exampleof anextensionactivity, theGeographyDepartment has
IT The school’s reputation for excellence in Information
Technologyhas been recognised by anational award; theDigital Schools’ Award. Headedby the school’s IT co-ordinator, Dr JaneMcMath, a teamof staff
andpupils presentedby video conference to the awardingpanel demonstratinghowembedded theuseof ICT is across the school. Areas explored included: integrationof digital technology at departmental level, including the enhancement of teaching and learning andmotivational capacity; ICT curriculumin school; Y8useof digital technology; iPrefects andflipped classrooms; infrastructure; safety andahost of other subjects! The visionof ICTdeveloped inaNarnia-like Edinburghover adecade agohas come toassured fruition.Without doubt our expertise in ICTenabled us tomanage the challenges of thepandemic adeptly in terms of teaching and learning andwider communicationswithour school family; the introductionof Parents’ Meetings viaSchool Cloudhas beena resounding successwith manypractical advantages over face to facemeetings. TheSchool Cloudenables amore efficient use
of time andalsohas the virtueof complete confidentiality.
havewonplacesonEarnAsYou Learndegreeswithfirms suchas Kainos.Weweredelightedwhen OrlaMcMahon, oneof ourYear 14 leavers, gainedaplaceona funded degreeprogrammewithPWC.
Our success inAlevel SSDiswell knownandwearedelighted to haveanumberof past pupilswho
MUSIC TheMusicDepartment offers instrumental andvoice tuition in awide rangeof areas andwe are delightedby the veryhighuptake of lessons in the following areas: Upper strings: ViolinandViola Lower strings: CelloandDouble Bass Woodwind: Flute, Clarinet and DoubleBass Brass: Trumpet, Trombone, FrenchHornandTuba (Brass Band included) Percussion: DrumKit and Orchestral Percussion Guitar: Classical andElectric, ElectricBass Voice: Soprano toBass Piano: Jazz Piano, Classical Piano, Organ
The generous fundingof the HaddenBursaries by the lateMrs CeliaGourley enables us tooffer additional provision to students.
OliverHeath, apassionate composer, has beenawardeda scholarshipas he is continuinghis studies at tertiary level.
TheMusicDepartment has two specialist teachers,Mr
DavidFalconer (HeadofMusic) andMissChelseaPascoe. The Department is also fortunate in gaining fromthe enthusiasmand expertiseofMrsWendyDavison (Physics) who is a classically trained instrumentalist.We also have anumber of outstanding instrumental tutors andare delighted tohaveour own former pupil GeorgiaGrattanworking withus. Such is the reputationof our choirs that our pupils areoften invited toperformat events organisedby Lisburnand CastlereaghCouncil andwe continue tomaintaina special relationshipwithParkview Special School. DRAMA We aredelighted that both junior and senior pupils have theopportunity toattendDrama Cluband the summer termalso sawYear 8participating ina Shakespeare festival focusedon Macbeth . That theatrical delight fondly known toall in theWallace family asChristmas Pie, returned as a live event inDecember 2022.
The CurriculumPolicy is approved by the Board of Governors and implemented and delivered by the Principal and staff of the school. The policy is developed by the Leadership Team in consultation with the staff. The curriculum meets statutory requirements as identified by DENI. In order tomeet current and anticipated statutory requirements, together withmeeting the needs and aspirations of the pupils, the school curriculum is reviewed annually, and proposed updates are brought to the Education Committee of the Board of Governors, and the full Board, in turn for approval. All pupils will follow the core curriculumof English, English Literature, Religious Studies (Short Course) andMathematics. Pupils will select a number of additional GCSE fromthe options blocks as indicated in the subject choice letter. FURTHER MATHEMATICS GCSE (Linear) The top seventy candidates in the Year 10 summerMathematics examinationwill be offered the opportunity to study GCSE FurtherMathematics. This involves an extra single period of Mathematics in lieu of one period of non-examPE. TheGCSEMaths course is completed in Year 11. GCSE CURRICULUM RATIONALE
MATHEMATICS (STATISTICS) GCSE (Linear) The top ranked pupils (70-The top ranked pupils (70-100th) in the Year 10 summerMathematics examinationwill be offered the opportunity to study GCSES Statistics. GCSEMaths is studied over the two-year period of study. RELIGIOUS STUDIES GCSE (Linear) The Religious Studies course is an introduction to Christian ethics exploring personal and family issues, matters of life and death, care for the environment, equality, war and peace. Studying these themes can enhance personal, social and cultural development. It is an opportunity to reflect on and develop values, opinions and attitudes. Since September 2014 all pupils study RS Short course modules in Year 11 and the full coursemodules in Year 12. Pupils will sit the appropriate GCSE examination at the end of both Year 11 and Year 12.
All year groups receive a Pastoral period on a Thursdaymorning.
This period covers the LLW curriculum including RSE.
Year 8
Year 9 4 5 4 4 4 2 1
Year 10
English Maths
5 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1
6 6 4 4 4 2
French History Geography Art Music RE Technology HE PE
1 1
2 2 2 1 2
2 2 1 2
Games Drama Reading for Pleasure Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Programming German/ Spanish
2 2 2 1
2 2 2
KEY STAGE 4 (YEAR 11/12) English (7), Maths (6/7), RE (3), LLW (1), Games (2), PE (1/2), Groups (4) FurtherMathematics : Top 70pupils basedon summer Year 10Mathematics paper. Statistics: The top 70-100pupils basedon summer Year 10Mathematics paper. Pupils choose one subject fromeach option group
Option2 Art
Option3 Biology Digital Technology History HE Music PE Physics
Option4 Biology
Option5 Art Chemistry French Geography History MIA Physics
Option6 BusinessComs French
Option I Agriculture& LandUse Biology Chemistry MotorVehicle&Road User Studies Physics
Bus Studies Geography HE History Technology
Bus Studies Chemistry Digital Technology
German Leisure& Tourism Spanish
Geography Technology
SIXTH FORM CURRICULUM (Nineperiods per subject) (10 forAcceleratedMathematics&FurtherMathematics)
Pupils chooseone subject per optionblock.
A Biology
B AcceleratedMaths Biology Business (Ext Cert)* + Geography German History Mathematics Moving ImageArts
C Art Biology Chemistry EnglishLiterature Nutrition&FoodScience Politics Technology Music (Ext Cert)* PE (Diploma)**
D Business Studies Chemistry Geography History Digital Technology Physics Spanish Health&Social Care
Computing / SSD EnglishLiterature French Digital Technology Mathematics PE (Ext Cert)* Religious Studies
* BTEC Extended Certificate (equivalent to a single A-level) **BTEC Diploma (equivalent to two A-levels). Pupils must also select the Extended Certificate PE in block A. + Business Extended Certificate cannot be studied alongside Business Studies A-level
1 ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME YoungEnterprise Computer Programming EuropeanStudies Health
Japanese Cooking RE Personal Finance
All informationcorrect at the timeof going topress butmay be subject toamendment
To Parents/Guardians naming TheWallace High School as a preference on your child’s application. ADMISSIONS OPEN DAY INFORMATION Saturday 7 January 2023 at 9.30am- 12.00pm. Principal’s address at 9.45amand 10.45am.
It is the responsibility of parents and guardians to ensure that any information relevant to an application for Special Circumstances or Special Provision is included in the appropriate claim formfor AQE or GLAssessment and included with the Transfer application. ENTRANCE TEST RESULTS WallaceHigh School will consider the outcome of a pupil’s performance in either the AQE assessment or theGL assessment. On the Transfer application parents should provide details of the candidate number issued, by AQE and/or GLA, when the pupil was registered for the assessment. Parents should include a copy of the original AQE results statement or a copy of theGLA results form (or bothwhere an applicant has sat both assessments) with the Transfer application.
The Admissions Committeewill be unable to consider the application if the test result information is omitted. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES AND/OR SPECIAL PROVISION If you aremaking a claimfor your child to be considered under Special Circumstances or Special Provision, please note that you are required to: (1) Present all such information as you consider will assist the Admissions Committee of the Board of Governors in determining if Special Circumstances/Special Provision apply; (2) Upload/attach all such informationwith the Transfer application. Further details canbe found in the Section ’Special Circumstances andSpecial Provision’ seeAppendix 1. seeAppendix 1.
RESPECTIVE FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS AND PRINCIPAL IN RELATION TO ADMISSIONS TO THE SCHOOL Selection of the intake for Year 8 has been delegated by the Board of Governors to anAdmissions Committee appointed by the Board of Governors. ADMISSIONS CRITERIA The School is a co-educational, non-denominational, Voluntary Grammar School. The School’s enrolment number is 1160 and its admissions number is 170. For transfer to Year 8 the Admissions Committee of the Board of Governors will consider, in the first instance, those childrenwho have taken the Common Entrance Assessment (CEA) provided by the
As the School is a voluntary grammar school, amandatory capital fee of £140 per annum is currently charged. This is reduced to £70 for the third and subsequent children in a family. Thismoney is used to help finance new school buildings and equipment. Parents are asked tomake an additional voluntary contribution of between£80 and £250 to support whole school initiatives and general upkeep of the buildings and grounds. The school’s “Charges and Remissions Policy” outlines optional extras of which parentsmay avail for their children. It can be found at www.
Association for Quality Education (AQE) and/or theGLA assessment provided by PPTCNI who have been awarded amark in the form of a standardised score. It should be noted that the Admissions Committee of the Board of Governors will not take into account the position of preference given, to the School, by the applicant on the transfer form. An application froma child who has placed the School 2nd in order of preference, andwho has not been offered a place in the school of first choice, will be considered in the sameway as all first preference applications to the School. Applications for Special Circumstances and Special Provisions will be considered first
must informtheschool byemail, providingverificationof this entitlement, sothat thiscriterion canbeappliedtotheapplication. g) Randomcomputergenerated tie-breaker. Thefollowing randomselectionprocess, as determinedbytheBoardof Governorsandoverseenbythe AdmissionsCommittee, shall be appliedtodeterminethe remainingapplications tobe accepted: consideredat thisstage is allocatedarandomnumber electronicallygeneratedwithin MicrosoftExcel; - theapplicationsarethenranked inorderof therandomnumber withhighernumbershaving preference. *This is subject tosatisfying verificationrequirementsas set out below: Eldest child: Theverifying lettermust state that thechild is theeldest childand that the childand familyareknownto theverifier. Twinsandother multiplebirthapplicantswill beregardedas joint eldest. The eldest childcriterionwill also apply inthecasewherea family hasnothad theopportunity to enrol anelder child, suchas in caseswhere theelder childhas completed theirpost-primary education, couldnot attend mainstreamschool (e.g. attends aspecial school) orwherea familyhas relocated toNorthern Ireland. followingwho isnot a family memberof theapplicant and whohasknowntheapplicant forat least twoyears; lettersof verificationwill beaccepted fromaPrimarySchool Principal, ElectedPublicRepresentative, GP, Solicitor,memberof the ClergyoraPoliceOfficer. - eachapplicationtobe Verification letter(s)must be writtenonheadednotepaper andsignedbyoneof the
and equallywith all applications. (see Appendix 1).
It should also be noted that children resident inNorthern Ireland at the time of their proposed admissionwill be admitted before any child not so resident. There is no requirement that an applicant should sit both the AQE andGLA entrance assessments. However, in the case of an applicant who sits both assessments, the Admissions Committeewill consider whichever outcome places the applicant in the higher Band. AQEwill provide parents with an age adjusted Standardised Score for each applicant who has taken the AQE CEA assessment inNorthern Ireland in 2022. The Admissions Committeewill use this Standardised Score, as set out in the Table below, and allocate pupils to a Band accordingly.
tobe filled, the criteriaoutlined belowwill apply in theorder stated.
STAGE 2 The remainingplaceswill be
allocated fromthe applicants in theBand containing the 170th applicant by applying, inorder, the criteriabelow: a) Childrenwhoare attending the PreparatoryDepartment of the School. b) Childrenwhohave a childof the family enrolled in theSchool on thedateof transfer. c) Childrenwhose twinor triplet sibling(s) has (have) already beenadmitted to theSchool. d) Childrenwhoare transferring fromprimary schools from which theSchool has received pupilswithin the last five years (see accompanying list) andwhoare the elder/eldest children* in their respective families orwhoare the first in the family to transfer toa mainstreamschool orwhoare theonly child in their family. transferring fromprimary schools fromwhich the School has receivedpupils within the last five years (see accompanying list). f) Childrenentitledtofreeschool mealsat thetimeofapplication. “entitledtofreeschoolmeals” willmeanchildrenwhoare listedontheEducationAuthority registerasentitledtofreeschool mealsat thedateonwhichtheir parenthassignedtheirpost primaryTransferForm. Ifachild becomeseligiblesubsequent e) Other childrenwhoare
111 and above
106-110 103-105 99-102
93 and below
PPTCwill provide the results of theGLAentrance assessment toparents as aStandardised AgeScore, aGrade andaCohort Percentile. TheAdmissions Committeewill use theCohort Percentile as thepercentile rank to allocatepupils to the appropriate Bandas set out below.
70 or above
60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39
29 and below
In the event of therebeingmore applicantswithinany of the above bands thanplaces available, or shouldany further places remain
tothisbutprior tothefinal publicationbytheBoardof
Governorsofallocatedplaces, Tuesday, 16May2023, theparent
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES TheSchool has academic
APPENDIX 1 Guidelines on the arrangements for Special Circumstances and Special Provision. “ExplanationofSpecial CircumstancesandSpecial Provision” Thepurposeof a claimfor Special Circumstances and/ or Special Provision is so that a child canbe assigned a score equivalent to that whichheor shewouldhave obtained in the transfer test, under normal conditions. Considerationof a claimfor Special Circumstances and/ or Special Provisionconsists of twoparts. The first requires the considerationofwhether there is, in the judgement of theAdmissionsCommittee of theBoardof Governors, sufficientmaterial topermit a child tobe consideredas havingSpecial Circumstances or attractingSpecial Provision, or both. If a child is permitted tobe consideredas having Special Circumstances or as attractingSpecial Provision or both, the secondpart of the consideration requires aneducational judgement tobemadeon the totality of thematerial presented to the AdmissionsCommitteeof the Boardof Governors so that a mark equivalent to thatwhich the childwouldhaveobtained in theAQECEAunder normal conditions canbe awarded. It is for parents topresent all suchmaterial as they consider will assist theAdmissions Committeeof theBoardof Governors inperformingboth parts of the consideration describedabove. It should benotedbyparents that both parts of the consideration referred to involve anexercise in judgement andnot precise calculation.
with theTransfer application.
• Where theproblemis a medical one, theAdmissions Committeewill require evidence of consultationwithamedical practitioner datedOctober or November 2022. • Where theproblemis of anon medical nature theAdmissions Committeewill require similar non-medical evidence. • Where theproblem, either medical or non-medical, is of a longstandingnature the AdmissionsCommitteewill require evidenceof the extent towhich theproblemwas exacerbatedduring theTransfer Test period • Thoseproviding suchevidence must be independent andnot related to thepupil onwhose behalf the application is being made. • TheAdmissionsCommittee also requires evidenceof the pupil’s academic capacity [see “Educational Evidence” below] If aSpecial Circumstances application ismade inrespect ofmatters forwhichAccess Arrangementsweregranted, the AdmissionsCommitteewill take intoaccount the fact thatAccess Arrangementsweregranted. If aSpecial Circumstances application ismade inrespect of a matter thathasaffectedonlyoneof the threeAQEtests, theAdmissions Committeewill take intoaccount the fact that the finalAQEscore is basedonthebest twoscoreswhich thepupil achieved inthe three tests. DETAILS OF MEDICAL OR OTHER PROBLEMS Where it is claimed that a child’s performance in theCEAhas been affectedby amedical or other problem, it is the responsibility of theparents to set out in the Forms (AQESC23orGLSC1) precise details of theproblemandmust appendevidence to corroborate its existence.
performance in transfer tests as its first criterion, subject only to the considerationofmedical or other problemswhichmayhave affected performance in the transfer test andwhichare supported bydocumentary evidenceof a medical or other appropriate nature. These ‘medical or other problems’ are commonly referred toas ‘Special Circumstances’. TheBandallocated to the applicant will bebasedon thedecision reachedby TheAdmissions Committee. Considerationof a claimfor Special Circumstances consists of twoparts. The first is determiningwhether sufficient independent evidence has beenprovided toallowa pupil tobe consideredas having undertaken theTransfer Tests under Special Circumstances. If Special Circumstances are granted, the secondpart is an educational judgement on the evidenceprovidedas towhether the score/Band shouldbe adjusted to reflect thatwhich thepupil wouldhaveobtainedhad the Special Circumstances not existed. GrantingSpecial Circumstances does not thereforemean that the score/Bandwill beupgraded automatically. It is important that parents/ guardians present sufficient independent evidence toenable theAdmissionsCommittee to make a judgement in respect of bothparts of this process. It is the responsibility of parents/ guardians to set out on the appropriate form, precisedetails of theproblem, append the relevant independent evidenceof its nature and its impact on thepupil’s performance in theTransfer Tests and to include the appropriate forms andaccompanying evidence
EDUCATIONAL EVIDENCE Evidenceof the applicant’s academic capacitymay be demonstratedby theprovisionof information suchas: • the results of any standardised tests inEnglishand Mathematics conducted inP5, P6andP7; • copies of school reports for P5, P6andP7; • the attainments of the applicant by comparisonwithother pupils in the class group; • records of strengths or weaknesses in the applicant’s performance either generally or in specific subject areas in comparisonwithother pupils in the class group; • aneducational psychologist’s report. TheAdmissionsCommittee of theBoardof Governorswill consider the application for Special Circumstances. WhereSpecial Circumstances are accepted, the AdmissionsCommitteeof the Boardof Governorswill determine, on thebasis of the information available, aBand for the child. Such childrenwill thenbe considered withall other childrenwhohave appliedand the admissions criteria applied. SPECIAL PROVISION Parents canapply for Special Provision in respect of: i) Childrenwhoseparentswish themto transfer fromschools outsideNorthern Ireland. ii) Childrenwhohave received more thanhalf their primary educationoutsideNorthern Ireland. iii) Children, entered for theCEA and/orGLA, whobecause of unforeseenand serious medical or other problems wereunable toparticipate in any of the assessments. Note: It isexpectedthatall those seekingadmissionshouldsit the CEAand/orGLA,withtheexception
considered. ABandwill thenbe assigned.
of thosechildrenwhotakeup residence inNorthernIrelandafter September2022. Parentswhowishtoapply to the School underSpecial Provision shouldstate theprecisereason why theybelieve thechild iseligible for considerationunderSpecial Provisionandprovideappropriate independent documentary evidence. All relevant documentary evidenceshouldbe includedwith theTransferapplication. consider theapplicationforSpecial Provision.WhereSpecial Provision isaccepted, the followingprocedure will apply: theAdmissionsCommitteeof the BoardofGovernorswill considerany assessment information, including thechild’sscore intheCEAand/or GLA, if completed; Pleasenote: It isrecognisedthat someparents may feel that their child’scase falls intomore thanoneof the abovecategories. Inthis instance, all evidencewithintherelevant categoriesshouldbeappended. If anapplication is acceptedby the AdmissionsCommittee asmeeting the criteria for (1) Special Provision and (2) Special Circumstances, it will be treatedas follows: SPECIAL PROVISION If the applicationmeets one ormoreof the three criteria as set out at Special Provision above, Educational Evidence (as definedaboveunder theheading Educational Evidence) will be TheAdmissionsCommittee of theBoardofGovernorswill theAdmissionsCommitteeof the BoardofGovernorswill determine, onthebasisofall available assessment information, an appropriateBandfor thechild. The childwill thenbeconsideredwithall other childrenwhohaveappliedand theadmissionscriteriaapplied.
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES In respect of a further considerationof Special Circumstances as outlined above, Special Circumstances must be contemporaneous to the child sitting theCEAand/ orGLA tests. Anadditional considerationof the already assignedBand throughSpecial Provisionwill not be considered unless there is contemporaneous evidence, which shows that all the educational evidenceprovided has been impactedby these Special Circumstances. If aSpecial Circumstances application ismade in respect of amatter that has affectedonly oneof the threeAQE tests, theAdmissionsCommittee will take intoaccount the fact that the final AQE score is basedon the best two scoreswhich thepupil achieved in the three tests. It is therefore, in respect of anapplication for both Special ProvisionandSpecial Circumstances, the responsibility of theparents toprovide Educational Evidence (as defined TheAdmissionsCommitteeof theBoardof Governorswill not adjust aBand solely on thebasis of statementsmadebut not supportedby evidence. The InformationCommissioner’s contains guidance for parentswith regard to howtoaccess informationheldby schools in relation to their child. It is theresponsibilityof the parents toattachtherequested information. DUTY TO VERIFY TheAdmissionsCommitteeof theBoardof Governors reserves the right to require additional informationor evidence, for aboveunder theheading Educational Evidence).
example educational information, todetermine, support or verify informationprovided. The provisionof falseor incorrect informationor the failure to provide informationwithin the deadlines set by theSchool can result in thewithdrawal of aplace and the inability tooffer aplaceon thepart of any school nominated on the applicant’s Transfer Form. Whenconsideringwhichchildren shouldbe selected for admission, theAdmissionsCommitteewill only take intoaccount information which is detailedonor attached to theTransfer application. Parents should therefore ensure that all informationpertaining to their childand relevant to theSchool’s AdmissionsCriteria is statedon the Transfer applicationor attached to it. WAITING LIST POLICY If a vacancy arises and is tobe filled duringYear 8 thenext applicant on theoriginal transfer list rankorder will be contacted. This list does not transfer automatically into applications for other year groups. YEARS 9 ONWARDS For applications for aplace in years other thanYear 8parents must complete and return the Application forAdmission form, availableonwww.wallacehigh. org/about/admissions-criteria/ admissions-non-yr8/ CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION TO The criteriaused toestablisha rank order of applications is published admissions-criteria/admissions non-yr8/ Please refer to the school website for guidanceonadmission toSixth Form. https://www.wallacehigh. org/about/admissions-criteria/ admissions-non-yr8/
TOTALAPPLICATIONS i.e. All Preferences
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
170 170 170
292 430 353
180* 179** 177***
* Includes 3SENchildren, 6additional spaces byDENI under TemporaryVariation, and 1 child admittedunderAppeal. ** Includes 2SENchildren, 3 childrenadmittedunder ECBand4additional spaces byDENI under TemporaryVariation. For 2021/22Year 8admissions, theBoardof Governors applied itsCovidCriteria, usingnon-academic criteria for selection. *** Includes 2SENchildrenand5additional places grantedbyDENI under TemporaryVariation.
A2 RESULTS 2022 (% of Pupils achieving Grades)
% A* 38 16 7 31 25 10 0 50 9 0 31 0 12 26 28 5 0 54 20 14 36
% A*-A
% A*-B 100
% A*-C 100 94 100 86 100 97
% A*-D
% A*-E
63 55 50 69 75 43 35 67 56 48 38 52 58 37 40 85 55 33 72 50 54 60 77
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 93 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
61 14 29 8 30 2 6 34 3 16 23 43 23 46 19 5 13 20 21 14 14 15 5 13
83 79 79 100 70 100 100 85 100 69
100 100
100 100 97 100 88 100
91 61 69 75
96 86 92
90 60 85 90 62 100
100 100 85 100 81 100 100 100 100 100
7 7
86 87 80 85
40 62
% A*
2022 20 53 80 95 100
A* - A A* - B A* - C A* - D
3 OR MORE A* – C
Made with FlippingBook Annual report