The Craigavad 2022 Review

| A Year in Pictures |

| A Year in Pictures |

Spring / Summer

Summer / Autumn









1. Abby Beckett, Jenny Thallon and Louise Beggs 2. Bob Cooke, June Cooke, Eileen McIlduff and Jack McIlduff 3. Uel McMinnis, Barbara McMinnis, Rosie Wilson and Ken Wilson 4. From back L-R: Dr Tony Cullen, Dr Michael Warnock, Kallum Craigs, the Captain and Stuart Pearson taking a breather at the halfway house on Captain's Day 5. Carol Connolly, Phyllis Park and Joyce Wilson

6. The Club flag and Union flag were flown at half mast as a mark of respect for the passing of Her Majesty The Queen in September 7. Louise Malseed and Judith Caruth 8. Julianna Jemphrey, Rosie Wilson and Liz Andress enjoying refreshments at the halfway house 9. The Captain was delighted to present the Captain's Rosebowl to Ruth and Philip Hunter at the End of Season Mixed Foursomes


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