The Craigavad 2022 Review

| Convenor’s Reports |

| Convenor’s Reports |


by Huw Worthington

W hilst the spectre of Covid was constantly in our minds the social calendar was more eventful than in previous years. The Horizons lunchtime talks proved ever popular, and we had interesting talks from the charismatic Elliot Davis, the international pole vaulter Mike Bull and golf architect and tour golfer David Jones. Jonathan Martindale started the autumn presentations and John Davidson completed the talks in December with a fascinating

when the stretch tent will again be in operation. Forthcoming events include a Burns Dinner night in January and to ease the January aches and pains a series of Thursday night Yoga sessions for the inflexible golfer. Finally, my thanks to Stuart Thom and Tracey Preshaw for their help throughout the year and to my fellow Committee Members Terri Wilson, Catherine Fetherston, Tracey Haldane, Alison Hall, Alex Barnes, Susannah Hoey, Nicola Duncan and Ronnie Savage.

insight into his life as an SAS soldier, bodyguard, hostage negotiator and fundraiser. On the golf course we had the very well attended 5 Club Challenge in July and whilst the weather was not on our side there was a Wine, Nine and Dine evening that was a success. Undoubtedly the highlight of the year was the Tapas and Wine pairing night held in January. Our Summer Sundowner in September was a sell-out notwithstanding the inclement weather. This event will be repeated next May

The Captain and John Davidson

The September Sundowner

Christmas Carvery buffet

Tracey Haldane, Alison Hall, Terri Wilson and Dr Susannah Hoey who were on the September Sundowner Party organising committee

House 2

by Fergus McIlduff

022 saw the return to relative normality following two years of disruption and closures as a result of Covid. However, it didn’t take long to get back

food, drink and running costs across the board. Special thanks must go to the entire team for pulling together this year and consistently delivering high quality food and the exemplary service that we are so lucky to consistently enjoy as Members of this Club. These sentiments are not only shared by our Members, but the numerous guests and visiting Clubs we welcome throughout the year. Thanks must also go to House Committee Members Hilary Ellis and Rosemary Todd for supporting me in my first year as Convenor.

as a lasting memory for family, friends and Members alike of those we held so dearly. The social calendar was back on full throttle with the usual wide range of events throughout the year. Two new additions of the September Sundowner and gourmet evenings hosted by special guest chef and Member, Philip McCrea, both proved to be a great success. The December Christmas carveries were as popular as ever. While Covid may have caused less disruption during 2022, the after effects of the pandemic continued to be felt by the house team with shortages in hospitality staff and the increase in

into the full swing of things both on the course and in the Clubhouse. With a few sunny days dotted throughout the year, Members and guests alike were able to enjoy the fantastic views and new outdoor furniture available on our terrace. The Club also took delivery of new crested crockery 'just' in time for Captain's Day. A Tree Memorial book was compiled and placed in the library, providing a record and pictures of trees donated over the years. This will serve

Top left: 2022/2022 Captain Alan Andrews, Elliot Davis, Linda Davis and Spencer Davis Top right: Debbie Park, Johnny Park, Caroline Youngs and Hal Wilson Above left: Karl Smyth, Rhona Smyth, Muriel Andrews, Dr Dermot Hoey, Monica Graham, Saunders Graham, Audrey Hoey, Dr John Andrews, Heather Graham and Kenny Graham Above right: Rachel Kirk and Nicola Duncan

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