The Craigavad 2022 Review

| Gentlemen’s Golf |

| Gentlemen’s Golf |

Sharman Crawford Cup

Captain's Mince Pie Party

by Peter Ellis

The Sharman Crawford Cup was played for, as usual, on Boxing Day. Members will be aware that this is the oldest golf competition in Ireland, the first event having been played on Boxing Day 1881. We returned to normality this year with the Captain conducting a draw in the Herdman Room for partners. A short lunch was enjoyed in the small dining room and then Members played 9-holes of foursomes, in generally very good conditions, following the traditional format. The Members returned to the Clubhouse for a festive drink, good company, mince pies and, of course, the prize-giving. As usual there were prizes for everyone, increasing in both number and value the higher your score. Last place is normally furiously fought over with the winners often taking the trophy on the basis of the last 6 or 3 holes. Not this year. Colin Adair and James Ellis comfortably won with 7 points. The winners of the Sharman Crawford Cup this year were Graham Crothers and Brian Murray with 21 points, from Andrew Martin and Henry Clark with 19 (better back 6). Graham Crothers was kind enough to say a few words after the presentation where he expressed pleasure in his winning after several trophy-less years at Royal Belfast. He thanked the greenkeeping staff for the excellent condition of the course and the Clubhouse staff for the excellent service. His playing partner, Brian Murray, also received a brief mention.

The Captain concluded the event with a few well-chosen words thanking Club staff and wishing everyone well in the golfing year ahead. I would like to add my personal thanks to Tracey and Sarah who looked after us so well on the day. I would also like to thank Jeremy Graham, David Kennedy, David Cunningham, Philip Hunter, Simon Rogers, Peter Minnis, John Leckey and Gavin Clarke for generously donating prizes. All present also appreciated my wife's excellent mince pies. I would finally like to thank our excellent Professional, Andrew Ferguson, who donated the top prize of Royal Belfast shirts and also a free lesson to all participants.

The Captain's Mince Pie Party took place on the traditional Saturday before Christmas in the Herdman Room. Members enjoyed lunch in their familiar Saturday groups before the Captain presented turkey and ham vouchers to all the winners and a non-winners were entered into the draw for a bottle of festive cheer! Also presented was the Craigavad Cup to winners Denis Todd and Geoffrey Mack.

The Captain with winners Dr Graham Crothers and Brian Murray

Gentlemen’s CompetitionWinners 2022


Above left: Dr Philip McCrea, the Captain and Jim Tinsley Above right: George Robinson, the Captain and Robin Thompson Left: John Leckey, the Captain and Richard Owens

Craigavon Cup

John Brewster

Clendinning Salver

Geoffrey Mack

Craigavad Cup

Denis Todd and Geoffrey Mack

Fred Heyn Memorial Cup

Gordon McElroy

Captain's Rosebowl

Philip Hunter and Ruth Hunter

Centenary Trophy

Ken Wilson


Lowry Corry Silver Medal Ben Miller Mr B Hadden Memorial Trophy Rory Donaghy Coronation Cup Stewart Reid David Carson Trophy Rory Donaghy Quasquicentenary Trophy Louis Napier Dufferin & Ava Cup Alastair Todd Dufferin & Ava Medal Charles Moreland Professional's Prize Graeme Greenfield The Captain’s Prize Stephen Loughridge Shaun Wilson Salver


Rory Donaghy


Graeme Greenfield


Saunders Graham


David Haldane


Niall Monaghan


Gavin Clarke


Michael Chandler


Gordon McElroy


Malcolm Ditty and Blake Cushnie

PGA Tankard

Rory Donaghy

Scratch Cup

Stewart McCaw

Winners of the team competition on the day were Howard McNally, Billy Pollock, Patrick Marshall and Finn Marshall (absent) pictured with the Captain.

The Captain had pleasure in presenting the Craigavad Cup to Geoffrey Mack and Dr Denis Todd

George S Clark Rosebowl

Gregor Law

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the c r a i g a v a d 21

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