The Craigavad 2020 Review

| Ladies’ Golf |

| Ladies’ Golf |

Social Golf

LADIES OPENING DAY The winner of the 9-hole Stableford on 6th March was Rosemary Todd with 21 points, with Trish Belford runner-up. Libby Pallin won the putting competition. After golf, the ladies enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea to mark the start of the new (short-lived!) golfing season and the Lady Captain presented winter 2019 prizes. Special thanks to Anne Whiteside and and all the talented bakers who provided the delicious treats, and the floral team who decorated the Clubhouse beautifully as always.

Atkinson Cup


Alex Barnes and Anne McCandless


Gillian Murray and Lyn Martin

Winter Ringer

Best Gross

Abby Beckett

1st Net

Juliann Pollin

2nd Net

Connie Wright

Winter League

Rosemary Pearson and Rhona Smyth

Hilary Ellis, Ann Barnett, Libby Pallin, Lady President, Trish Belford and Lady Captain

Winners: Team 11 Terri Wilson, Fiona Isherwood, Julianna Jemphrey, Audrey Hoey, Carol Dixon Runners-up: Team 10 Jane Thompson, Liz Andress, Janet Walmsley, Sarah Stout, Muriel Colthurst

'Norah's Scallywags' - Ashley Brand, Susannah Hoey, Gillian Hool, Norah Dunbar, Tessa Davison

Best Team Name

LADIES OPEN DAY Monday 14th September - Individual Stableford 3-ball Such was the appetite for golf after lockdown that 129 ladies played in the 3-ball Indvidual Stableford in September. Congratulations to Royal Belfast's Abby Beckett who won on the day with 35 points.


Abby Beckett (Royal Belfast)

35 points

2nd Place Karen Greene (visitor)

35 points

3rd Place Patricia Boyd (Royal Belfast)

33 points

Rosemary Todd and the Lady Captain

Lady Elizabeth Bloomfield, Phyllis Ditty, Libby Pallin and Phyllis Park

LADIES WINTER LEAGUE The Ladies Winter League 2020 began on 4th November and it was a bright crisp morning that saw eight teams turn out for some socially distanced golf. Bad weather and a tightening of Covid restrictions meant that the ladies only enjoyed one further round of Winter League golf this year.

Deirdre Courtney, Ann Barnett and Louise Malseed on the 10th

Alex Barnes

Carol Murphy, Claire Minnis and Alyson Owens

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