TSA Chancellors Road Newry

Site Proposals The emerging concept plan brings forward firm proposals for a new c.16,650sqm Storage and DistributionWarehouse with associated first floor office accommodation for operations by S&WWholesale. The development also includes for a lorry wash bay/recycling area and security cabin. The site access is taken from Chancellors Road and includes for a new Right Hand Turn Lane. The access leads to a car parking area comprising c. 167 spaces and a service yard with space for 47 HGV vehicles. Existing landscaping to all site boundaries is retained and will be augmented where necessary to create a 5 to 8metre landscaped buffer, with an earth bund provided along the eastern boundary.

In summary, the proposal comprises the following elements:

• c.16,650sqmWarehouse including ancillary office accommodation; • Service Yard • HGV Parking for 47 Vehicles • 12 Dock Levellers • Lorry Wash Bay and Recycling Area • 167 space car park • Access from Chancellors Road • Right Hand Turn Lane • Security Cabin to Main Yard • 5 to 8 metre landscaped buffer to all boundaries • Earth Mound to south eastern boundary

The site will also become more eco-friendly focused with the introduction of solar panels, electric car charging points and methods of reducing waste -reducing S&W’s carbon footprint for the future.

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