TSA Sensata Business Park
Area Plan Context Introduction
Within the Belfast Urban Area Plan (BUAP) 2001, which was adopted in June 1990, the site was historically designated for ‘Industry and Commerce’. This employment designation was further clarified through the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP) 2015, with the entirety of the site in question identified as a Major Employment Location and ‘Land zoned for Employment’ within the Metropolitan Newtownabbey Area, through ‘Zoning MNY 05 (Zone A)’, see Figure 4 .
Figure 4 - BMAP Policy Map Extract (site identified with star)
Key Site Requirements:
There are a number of key site requirements associated with ‘Zoning MNY 05’, as set out within BMAP, which include the following:
- improvements to the Doagh Road, along the site frontage, will be dependent on the access location for the northern portion of the site; - the provision of a new access for the northern portion shall be in accordance with the Department’s visibility requirements; - new and improved pedestrian and cycling links from the site to existing nearby public transport facilities shall be required in order to maximise the use of these facilities; • A flood risk assessment of the watercourses within and adjacent to the site shall be carried out and submitted to the Department to inform proposals for the development of the site as part of the site may lie within the 100-year floodplain of the Three Mile Water; • A comprehensive landscaping scheme for the proposed development shall be submitted with any planning application for development and agreed with the Department, and shall include the following: - The northern, eastern, southern and western boundaries of the site shall be retained and landscaped with a 5-10 metre belt of trees and planting of native species to provide screening for the development.
• Development shall only include the following uses: - Industrial and Business, Use Classes B1, B2, B3 and B4 as currently specified in the Planning (Use Classes) Order (Northern Ireland) 2004; • The total amount of floorspace for Industrial and Business, Use Class B1(a) as specified in the Planning (Use Classes) Order (Northern Ireland) 2004 shall not exceed 5,000 sq m (gross); • Development of the site shall only be permitted in accordance with overall comprehensive masterplans for each of zone’s A and B within the site to be agreed with the Department. The individual masterplans shall outline the strategic elements applicable to each zone and the design concept, objectives and priorities. Masterplans for Zones A and B as identified on Map No. 2/001 – Metropolitan Newtownabbey shall include the following elements: - Zones A and B shall be developed within a generous landscape setting. - Buildings shall be a maximum height of 2 storeys; • Access to Zone A of the site shall be from the existing access point on the Ballynure Road only; • A Transport Assessment (TA), agreed with Roads Service, DRD, shall be required to identify any necessary improvements to the road network/public transport/transportation facilities in the area. An initial Roads Service assessment of this specific development site indicates that as a minimum the following improvements shall be required:
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