Strabane Business Park

Strategic Context and Site Location The town of Strabane is located on the border of Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland. It is identified through the RDS 2035 as having a close cross-border relationship with Lifford which is an administrative centre in Donegal County Council (see Figure 1). The RDS states that both Strabane and Lifford will benefit from the A5 road improvement works, linking Dublin and Omagh to Strabane and Londonderry. Strabane has the potential to benefit from its industrial resource offering a range of employment opportunities. The subject lands are located to the south of Strabane and to the east of Melmount Road, as shown at Figure 2.

Figure 1 - Wider Context

Figure 2 - Local Context

The development site comprises greenfield land measuring approximately 2.2ha (circa 5.4 acres), located to the east of Melmount Road and south of Unit 1 (Dragon Brand Foods Ltd) Strabane Business Park, as shown at Figure 2 & 3. The main access road into the Business Park is taken directly fromMelmount Road to the west. The subject site forms part of wider lands which have extant outline planning permission for the Invest NI Business Park, under Planning Reference: J/2009/0388/O.

Figure 3 - Site Location (outlined in red)

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