SpermComet - Lab Information
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your interest in the SpermComet® Test.
At Lewis Fertility Testing we aim to provide our partner clinics and healthcare professionals
with a professional and efficient service. Most importantly, in this emotional journey for
patients in which time is of the essence, we promise to have patient results returned to the
referring clinician within 7 days of sample receipt.
Please find enclosed the necessary documents that will enable you to begin sending patient
samples for the SpermComet® Test. All relevant information for patients has also been sent
to you and we would ask that you give this e-information to patients before their
For matters relating to the laboratory and testing procedures, please contact Laboratory
staff, Lynsey Poots or Marty Lawlor;
Email: lab@lewisfertilitytesting.com
Telephone: 02890238915 .
For business matters, please contact Marketing Manager, Orla Hardy;
Email: orla.hardy@lewisfertilitytesting.com Telephone: 02890238915.
With kind regards,
Sheena E M Lewis
Managing Director, Lewis Fertility Testing Ltd
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