SENAC (Special Education Needs Advice Centre)
Transition Reviews The first annual review held after age 14 and each subsequent annual review is referred to as a Transition Review focusing on planning for a young person’s move from school into adult life.
Who might be involved: • Parents and the young person • School principal and other relevant school staff • Representative from the Careers Service • Representative from the Health and Social Care Trust
• Transitions Coordinator from the EA • Relevant voluntary organisations. Transition Plan
A Transition Plan will be put in place incorporating the information provided from all relevant agencies and individuals involved. The purpose of the Plan is to ensure a positive transition which is relevant to the needs of the young person. When a young person with a Statement of Special Educational Needs leaves school, the final Transition Plan is shared with outside agencies as appropriate. Areas addressed by the Plan may include: • Support and curriculum needs • Work skills, strengths, needs, opportunities etc. • Health issues or considerations • Young person’s goals hopes and aspirations etc. • Development of independence skills • Identifying any new professionals or services that may need to be involved • Relevant education provision after the age of 16 years
For further information on Transition Reviews: • Speak/meet with the school. • Contact the EA’s Transition Service for guidance or clarification at any stage of the process
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