Royal Belfast Golf Club Fixture Book
Candidates for admission to Membership shall be proposed and seconded by Resident, Life, Honorary (subject only to the provisions of Rule 19) and Associate Members, who have been Members in these categories for at least five years. One of these Members must be a Resident Member. Two supporting letters from Members of the above categories and of more than five years duration are also required. Office Bearers should not endorse new nominations during their period in office. Members may only propose or second three candidates at any one time. The name, address and designation of the Nominee shall be entered on a Nomination Form signed by the Proposer and Seconder and shall be posted by the office on the official Notice Board in the Club. It shall remain there for a period of at least fourteen days before the date of election. Candidates for admission whose names have been rejected cannot be proposed again within twelve months from date of such rejection. The nomination is the responsibility of the Proposer and Seconder. It is essential to give all relevant information which may assist Council in dealing with the nomination. Members should be aware that unless the nominee becomes known to Council Members it is difficult for them to be elected. It is the responsibility of Proposers and Seconders to ensure that their nominees are made aware of the Rules of the Club and that suitable introductions to Council Members are arranged. After elections, it is the responsibility of the Proposer and Seconder to ensure that their nominee is integrated into the Club and maintains its standards and traditions. Please note that nominations will lapse after 5 years and candidates may be nominated again by either, the original or new Proposers, Seconders and supporters.
will appear in which you enter your GUI or ILGU Membership number. Below this is the box for your Pin Number, this can be found on your GUI/ILGU Card. If you have any queries in relation to any aspect of the Members’ Area of the website, including difficulties with MasterScoreboard or GOLFnet please email admin@ or call 028 9042 8165 for further assistance. MEMBERS APP Please update your phone to its latest version in your settings. Download ClubNet via the App Store (iphone) or Google Play (android). Please accept all location services and push notifications. Select Royal Belfast Golf Club. An account has already been set up for you UNLESS YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER If you are a new Member, please sign up, otherwise enter your email address, this needs to be the email address you use for the club. The password is Golf2018 If you have any problems downloading or using the App, please contact the office. MEMBERSHIP NOMINATIONS All nominations for Membership are considered twice a year (April & November) only on the strict condition that the Club will not be obliged to assign any reason for, or enter into correspondence or discussion regarding, the election or non- election of any candidate.
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