Royal Belfast Golf Club Fixture Book
Use of Trolleys and Buggies Trolleys should not be taken between bunkers and greens. Power Trolleys - in winter or very wet conditions there may be occasions when, while the course is open for play, electric trolleys will not be permitted. Buggies - please observe the guidelines displayed inside these vehicles and the signs on the course. *LOCAL RULES 1. Out of Bounds The boundaries of the course are: The course side points of the permanent fencing to the left of 1st, 3rd and 4th, over the red penalty area to left of 8th as indicated by white posts and the wall to left of 9th, 10th and 11th (Rule 18). 2. Fixed Sprinkler Heads All fixed sprinkler heads, hydrant boxes and gully traps are immovable obstructions (Rule 16.1). In addition if such obstruction is on or within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball, and intervenes on the line of play, the ball affected (except in a penalty area) may be lifted, cleaned, and dropped within one club-length of the nearest point of complete relief but not nearer the hole.
5. Immovable Obstructions Stone drains, sleepers, car park, artificially surfaced roads and paths, inspection chambers, hydrant boxes, gully traps, stone distance markers and the stanchion posts forming the coastal path protection beside the 9th hole boundary wall may be treated as immovable obstructions (Rule 16.1). 6. Temporary Local Rules See Notice Boards in the Club House and in the Professional’s shop. Penalty for breach of Local Rule – General Penalty (MATCH PLAY – LOSS OF HOLE STROKE PLAY – 2 STROKES) DISTANCE MARKERS are located in the centre of the fairways and by green posts, and are 150 yards from the centre of the green
3. Tyre Marks Tyre marks are ground under repair (Rule 16.1).
4. Staked Trees The young trees identified by stakes are NO PLAY ZONES. If a player’s ball lies on or touches such a tree or the tree interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing relief must be taken under Rule 16.1f.
(*NB. “Rules” in this section refer to the Rules of Golf rather than the Club Rules).
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