RBGC Fixtures & Rule Booklet

duration are also required. Office Bearers should not endorse new nominations during their period in office. Members may only propose or second three candidates at any one time. The name, address and designation of the Nominee shall be entered on a Nomination Form signed by the Proposer and Seconder and shall be posted by the Chief Executive on the official Notice Board in the Club. It shall remain there for a period of at least fourteen days before the date of election. Candidates for admission whose names have been rejected cannot be proposed again within twelve months from date of such rejection. Corporate Sponsors may nominate two persons for election to Corporate Sponsored House Membership for the duration of the sponsorship. Such candidates shall be approved by Council. Persons elected to Corporate Sponsored HouseMembership under the provisions of this paragraph shall cease to be members on the termination of the corporate sponsorship or their employment with the sponsors. ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS 16. On the election of a Member, the Chief Executive shall notify him or her in writing of the fact, furnishing him or her with a copy of the Rules of the Club and requesting payment of the amount of his or her Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription together with social charge (if any). No Member newly elected shall participate in any of the advantages or privileges of the Club until he or she has paid his or her Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription together with social charge (if any) and should same not be received within one month after the Chief Executive’s notification of admission, it will be understood that he or


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