MAD - Portable Displays

Flag Banners Available as single or double-sided options and printed using hardy, UV resistant media, flag graphics can be utilised indoors or outside with standard or custom flag shapes.

Flag Banners Draw attention to branding, products, services, or business premises with custom printed flags. Instantly noticeable due to their height, shape, and movement, our all-fibre flag poles are durable and flexible, easy to assemble and quick to deploy, making them an extremely effective means of advertising.

Flag Banners

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Choose from a range of free-standing, post / wall mounted, mobile and specialist hardware that can be used in a variety of applications such as car forecourts, festivals, and beach flags.

Alternatively, deploy taller or multiple flags to increase visibility and attention to branding. Our all-fibre flag poles are reusable with interchangeable graphics for greater return on investment. To protect this investment, it is recommended that flags be kept securely in place by selecting an appropriate base suitable for the desired application and location from the specifically designed range.


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