Pollock Park & Gibson's Hill Proposal

Planning History Having undertaken a desktop review of the planning history relating to Pollock Park, the most recent planning applications are set out within the table below.

Planning Reference Address

Description of development


Erection of flood lights to 1st XV playing field.

N/2002/0752/F Pollock Park, Lurgan

Permission Granted

Erection of 4 no. floodlights to facilitate evening training.

N/2009/0695/F Pollock Park, Lurgan


The most recent planning application concerning Pollock Park, submitted by the club in 2009 (Ref: N/2009/0695/F), sought approval for floodlighting to facilitate evening training. This application was subsequently withdrawn as a result of issues relating to the impact on adjacent residential amenity. There is no pertinent planning history relating to the Gibson’s Hill site for use as sports grounds. Disadvantages of Existing Facilities at Pollock Park 1. Poor Existing Clubhouse Provision: • Lack of floodlit pitches to accommodate evening matches and training, which is particularly evident during the longer winter evenings; • Lack of facilities for Women’s and Girl’s Cricket (changing rooms, showers, referees’ room and treatment rooms); • Lack of facilities for Women’s and Girl’s Rugby (changing rooms, showers, referees’ room and treatment rooms); • Lack of facilities for Men and Boys Rugby (changing rooms, showers, referees’ room and treatment rooms); • Lack of proper gym facilities for strengthening and conditioning; • Lack of adequately sized function room(s); and • Lack of Disability Access to club facilities and to playing sport. 2. Impact on Adjacent Residential Amenity: • Insufficient car parking provision which results in on-street parking within the surrounding residential streets, and has attracted complaints from neighbours. • Prone to Anti-Social Behaviour, with numerous recorded incidents of breaking windows and gathering in large numbers etc. • Existing pitches are used by dog walkers during the daytime which results in dog fouling on the playing pitches. 3. Inaccessible to sections of the community: • The club pro-actively engages in community outreach projects, and due to the location and level of facilities currently available this has meant that the Lurgan RFC and Cricket Club facilities have been unable to keep up with the desire to expand and improve cross-community participation.

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