Platinum Financial Planning Employee Handbook
You should be aware that you can be criminally liable if you knowingly or recklessly disclose personal data in breach of the Act. A serious breach of data protection is also a disciplinary offence and will be dealt with under the Company’s disciplinary procedures. If you access another employee’s personnel records without authority, this constitutes a gross misconduct offence and could lead to your summary dismissal. Full details of our Data Protection Policy can be found online or obtained from the Operations Manager. 25. Disclosures in the Public Interest - The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 protects workers who raise legitimate concerns about specified matters from being dismissed by the Company or from being subjected to detrimental treatment or victimised by either the Company or work colleagues as a result, provided certain criteria are met. The Act makes provision about the kinds of disclosure which may be protected, the circumstances in which such disclosures are protected and the persons who may be protected. This policy is intended to comply with the Act by encouraging workers to make disclosures about fraud, misconduct, bribery or other wrongdoing to the Company, without fear of reprisal, so that problems can be identified, dealt with and resolved quickly. Making such disclosures is also known as whistleblowing. Full details of our Whistleblowing- Public Interest Disclosure Policy can be found online or obtained from the Operations Manager. 26. Health and Safety at Work - The Managing Director regards the promotion of health and safety measures as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels. It is therefore the Company’s policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property, and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards, including the public insofar as they come into contact with the Company, or its products. Our health and safety policy is to, so far as is reasonably practicable: • Prevent accidents and cases of work related ill-health. • Manage health and safety risks in our workplace. • Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure that our employees are competent to undertake their work. • Consult with our employees on matters of health and safety. • Encourage all employees to engage in maintaining safe working practices. • Provide and maintain safe plant and work equipment. • Provide all necessary Personal Protective Equipment. • Ensure that all substances are used, stored and handled safely. • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions. • Implement all necessary emergency procedures, including evacuation procedures in the event of fire or other significant incident. • Review and revise this policy regularly so as to ensure that these standards of health and safety are maintained.
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