Platinum Financial Planning Employee Handbook

14. Performance Management - Performance Management is the way we support and develop you in your role and allows you to see how you contribute to our purpose on a day to day basis. It is designed to help you be the very best at what you do; ensuring that your achievements are acknowledged and that you understand how you can further develop in your role and as an individual. It’s about what you achieve and how you’ll achieve it. During the year, your manager will have regular reviews with you to discuss your progress, celebrating your successes and helping support you in areas where you need to focus. At end of each year, you’ll have an Annual Performance Appraisal with your manager to assess your overall contribution. Performance management is about making sure you get the on-going support and development you need to help you perform to the very best of your ability, regularly discussing your progress with your manager and receiving and providing continuous feedback from both your line manager and your colleagues. 15. Capability Procedure - The primary aim of this procedure is to provide a framework within which Platinum can work with employees to maintain satisfactory performance standards and to encourage improvement where necessary. It is the Company’s policy to ensure that concerns over performance are dealt with fairly and that steps are taken to establish the facts and to give employees the opportunity to respond at a hearing before any formal action is taken. This procedure applies to all employees regardless of length of service. This procedure does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment and it may be amended at any time. Full details of the Capability Procedure can be found online or from the Operations Manager. 16. Disciplinary Procedure - The Company prefers that discipline be voluntary and self-imposed and in the great majority of cases this is how it works. However, from time to time, it may be necessary for the Company to take action towards individuals whose level of behaviour or performance is unacceptable. With the exception of the section entitled ‘alternative disciplinary sanction’, this disciplinary procedure is entirely non- contractual and does not form part of an employee’s contract of employment. Full details of our Disciplinary Procedure can be found online or obtained from the Operations Manager. 17. Grievance Procedure - The objective of the procedure is to provide an employee who considers that he or she has a grievance with an opportunity to have it examined quickly and effectively, and where a grievance is deemed to exist, to have it resolved, if possible, at the earliest practicable opportunity. Most issues or grievances can be solved on an informal basis with line managers, and employees should aim to settle their grievances in this way if possible. This grievance procedure is not a substitute for good day to day communication in the Company. It is designed to deal with those issues that need to be approached on a more formal basis. This grievance procedure is entirely non-contractual and does not form part of an employee’s contract of employment. Full details of our Grievance Procedure can be found online or obtained from the Operations Manager.


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