Platinum Financial Planning Employee Handbook
Long-term absence ‘Long-term absence’ is a period of sickness which lasts longer than 2 weeks. The Company takes a sympathetic view about genuine ill-health problems and will provide a supportive approach to all employees in such circumstances. Your Line Manager will monitor your absence and will counsel you through a period of sickness absence and may request to visit you at home. If absence does reach unsustainable levels, then the Company may have no choice but to dismiss you. The point at which this action may be taken will depend on the difficulty caused to the Company by your continued absence. Dismissal will be regarded as the last resort and before any dismissal the Company will comply with any applicable statutory dismissal procedure. Return to work discussion - When you return to work from any absence (excluding holidays) your Line Manager may hold a discussion with you on the first day of your return to work to discuss the reasons for your absence and in particular whether it was work related. Sick Pay Scheme - Statutory Sick Pay- Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is payable to employees for up to 28 weeks of sickness absence, providing they meet the qualifying criteria. For SSP purposes the Qualifying Days with this employer are those you are normally contracted to work. An employee, absent from work due to illness or injury, shall be paid SSP provided the qualifying conditions for receipt of such are satisfied; and provided that the requirement in respect of notification and supply of evidence of incapacity as set out above are complied with. Occupational Sick Pay- In addition to SSP, Occupational Sick Pay will be paid in accordance with your contract and subject to the limitations, conditions and exclusions set out in the following paragraphs. Occupational Sick pay is calculated and based on length of service, details of which can be found online or obtained from the Operations Manager. The Company will normally accept self-certification for sickness absences of up to 7 days duration. However, the Company reserves the right, on giving notice, to insist on evidence from your doctor for the payment of Occupational Sick Pay, for any sickness absence of 7 days or less. The continued payment of salary during periods of sickness will be at the Company’s discretion, subject to the payment of the appropriate SSP when eligible. The Company will not normally consider making up any shortfall between normal salary and SSP for absence due to sickness or injury which occurs during the first 6 months of employment. Occupational Sick Pay means the difference between SSP and normal gross earnings. Where SSP is not payable Occupational Sick Pay means normal gross earnings subject to reduction by the amount of National Insurance Sickness Benefit paid or payable. If, during an employee’s absence, a customary closedown holiday occurs to which he/she has an entitlement, Occupational Sick Pay shall not be payable. The employee shall instead receive holiday pay inclusive of any SSP payable. Occupational Sick Pay will normally be paid on pay day together with any SSP or wages that may be due. The Company is required to keep absence records and should it be evident that an employee has been abusing the Occupational Sick Pay scheme, or has infringed the rules of the scheme, action will be taken under the disciplinary procedure.
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