Platinum Financial About Us
Corporate Tax Planning
Corporate tax can be a minefield of regulation, with new rules set up part way through the tax year and others introduced but not taking affect until the next tax year. It means you could quite easily be paying more tax than you should be. The aim of corporate tax planning is simple, corporate tax planning helps reduce your company’s tax liability and improve profitability. Things to consider: Is you organisation making the most of it’s industry specific tax opportunities? Is there an opportunity to optimise your tax position on large transactions? For instance, a property sale or purchase? Has your organisation identified the most tax effective structure for the business? At Platinum, we will work with you determine the most tax effective structure for your business and implement strategies that ensure you’re complaint, in control of your company’s finances and are able to maximise tax relief where available. Our corporate tax advisory services are designed to help minimise and manage your organisation’s tax exposures allowing you to have more time to focus on your core business. The advice we offer will be driven by your business objectives; by looking at your business strategies, we can help you understand the effect these will have on your tax profile and ensure that we can provide support to assist your business now and in the future. Tax planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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