Platinum - Corporate Financial Planning IISD


INITIAL ADVICE CHARGES For all new clients we will conduct an initial meeting to get to know you, your needs and to discuss our services. Once we have agreed the services you would like, we will discuss the associated costs to ensure that the services are appropriate for you and your budget. We will confirm this in writing to you via our Client Agreement which we will ask you to sign before we will commence any work.

Initial Advice Services

Initial Advice Charge

For completing a fact find, undertaking research on your behalf and providing a personalised recommendation, we charge a commitment fee of £750 (excl. VAT). We will offset this against your acceptance and set up fees should you choose to go ahead with our recommendation(s). Payment due on acceptance of our recommendations and/or set up of new investment as follows: (3% of the first £100,000 of your portfolio) plus (2% of the next £100,000) plus (1% of any amount over £200,000) less (commitment fee). For example; If the value of your portfolio and any new investment is £75,000, the acceptance and/or set up fee would be (3% of £75,000) less (commitment fee) = £1,500 (excl. VAT) If the value of your portfolio and any new investment is £150,000, the acceptance and/or new set up fee would be (3% of £100,000) plus (2% of £50,000) less (commitment fee) = £3,250 (excl. VAT). For completing a fact find, undertaking research on your behalf and providing a personalised recommendation, we charge a commitment fee of £750 (excl. VAT). We will offset this against your acceptance and set up fees should you choose to go ahead with our recommendation(s). Payment due on acceptance of our recommendation and/or set up of new investment as follows: (25% of annual investment amount) less (commitment fee). For example; If you invest £500 per month. The acceptance and/or set up fee would be (25% of £6,000) less (commitment fee) = £750 (excl. VAT)

Advice and arranging lump sum investments. Typically, suitable for those with an existing investment portfolio, or a lump sum to invest.

Regular Premium Investment Lump Sum Investment

Advice and arranging a new regular contribution investment, including a top up to an existing arrangement. Typically suitable for those who want to save a regular amount, for example every month by direct debit.


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